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Name: Mercy
Also known as: Mer
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 17th
Age: 30
Nationality: Japanese, African American
Origin: Japan
Blood type: B-


Parents:  Unknown
Siblings: Swi (Older sister)
Pet(s) (if applicable): Cats
Friends: No


Armaments: Katana
Abilities/Weapon/Combat: Along with her Katana, she is also armed with her claws. She has the agility of a car and the flexibility and ability to disappear into the night


Appearance: Dark tanned skin with slanted eyes from her African American mother and Japanese father. Blonde hair that teaches the middle of her back and a tail that looks like it's attached to her kimono. Permanent deep red lips from her constant lip biting and Golden tattoos on her hand and Golden claws

Normal Outfit: A deep wine red kimono, thigh high tights and heels with a golden belt around her waist

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Normal Outfit: A deep wine red kimono, thigh high tights and heels with a golden belt around her waist. A cat mask to match the color of her kimono
Night-wear: Shorts and bra or naked
Height: 5'7
Weight: 200lbs


Synopsis: Her father was a Japanese demon himself and stalked his prey, her mother while she was visiting Japan. Instead of taking her soul like he was instructed, he fell in love and had two children. Mercy and her older sister Swi

⇣Personality ⇣

Personality: Shes playful and plays cruel jokes on the living around her when she isn't taking souls. You would think she has no heart by the way she interacts with people and only experiences joy when harming others
Likes: Hurting others, playing jokes
Dislikes: Harmless jokes
Hobbies: Taking souls and playing pranks, and destroying property

— Favorites
  ») Fav. food: Ramen
  ») Fav. song: N/A
  ») Fav. animals: Cats
  ») Fav. flowers: Tigerlily

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