Chapter 1 - Life's Beginning

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"ahh" I groaned as I put my alarm off. High school seriously sucked I thought as I dragged myself to get ready . After my shower, I had the usual problem of choosing my clothes to wear to school so after pulling out half my wardrobe I found a decent outer wear :-black jeans and a blue pullover . It was decent enough cause I'm not one of the popular girls in school who are popular in school . I'm one of the geeky girls who buries her head in the book all day .I had no friends ....... well maybe just one that's ..........

"Bella"!!! came my mother's voice from below the stairs . Before leaving I took a quick look at myself in the full sized mirror , my red , straight and long hair was tied into a high ponytail , my sea green eyes were well defined with the help of my new blue eyeliner , my tanned skin looked perfect .... maybe it still needed a little more tan . I so much wonder why I look like a dork in overall while each of my features are pretty . It was just then I saw myself again in the mirror and realized....

IT WAS MY HEIGHT !!!!!!!! I was above the height of an average sixth grader but as I already said "I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!"my height totally makes me look like a kid . "Bella!!"my mom called for the fifth time. before running downstairs I carried my mother's daily gossip magazine oh and just don't get the wrong idea I HATE GOSSIP I read the horoscope section every day . yes , I totally believe in horoscope and I even want to get graduated in astrology I also grabbed my new book " guide to understanding horoscopes " and then I hurried downstairs "I 'm skipping breakfast" I yelled as I ran out the door . My only friend Tyler drove his maserati onto the driveway for my daily ride to school and I gave him the usual "thank you " smile and got into the car.

"Hey" he gave me his usual smirk

"Hi" I replied and gave my usual morning-punch -in-the-arm.

Oh no ... don't even go there , no way , HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND . he's just a really really close best friend. Actually we're friends from the beginning of middle school . and by the way , I'm a senior now I know even I can't believe it.

"Ummm , Belle you there?", Tyler knocked on my forehead

"hey !! no touchy , touchy no !!" , I yelled. "Okay! , fine, fine Calm down already."

he laughed and with his always ready smirk and started the car. Ok let me describe my so called "friend" to you: -

His name is Tyler he has jet black hair and the most amazing sky blue eyes . You might think why is a geek in the same can as the most hottest not to mention popular guy in school ?? That is indeed a question for Einstein......

Oh and a minor detail, he has the most ripped up body in West view High

yea.... Go figure!!

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