Chapter Eleven.

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(Beca's POV)

I stormed into Jesse's dorm, not even caring for a invite. A soon as I burst through the door Jesse dropped his popcorn and turned to see me. "You're fucking suing me!?" I yelled.

"Well you did strangle me, Beca." Jesse scoffed.

Is he fucking kidding me? "Well you did try to rape me, Jesse." I threw back. "Or did you forget about that? Did you forget that you slapped my girlfriend as well?"

He rolled his eyes at the mention of Chloe being my girlfriend. "She isn't your girlfriend Beca!" He yelled.

"You seemed so cool with everything when we broke up, when I told you. What happened Jesse? Why can't you just accept that we're over and move on like you seemed to be doing?" I huffed.

Jesse ran his hand through his hair. "I love you Beca..." 

"Yeah? Well, ever heard of the saying if you love something let it go?" I couldn't understand how he could be telling me he loved me after he did what he did. "I want to be free Jesse, set me free. I want Chloe, not you, Chloe." 

Jesse let out a scream and slapped me hard across the face, making me fall to the ground. I turned to him. His face was red. "Shut up, Beca. Just shut up." He's never been like this. I have never seen this side of Jesse, and I hate it. I hate him. I didn't try and get up, I couldn't my legs were weak. I crawled towards the door. "Beca, don't go, I'm sorry, Beca!" Jesse grabbed my legs and pulled me back, giving me rug burn on my knees. 

"Jesse, please, just let me go!" I screamed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He pulled me up to where I was standing. "Please, I'm sorry."

"I know you are." Jesse said. "Call Chloe. Tell her you're dumping her, and that you're taking me back, and everything will go away. I won't sue you, you won't have to talk to your father, or pay for a lawyer, and let's be honest, we all know Chloe still has a thing for Tom. I see them making out instead of going to Russian Lit all the time."

"What?" I asked, Chloe wouldn't do that... right? This is Just Jesse being an ass... Or is it? "No. She wouldn't do that to me."

"Beca, I have picture." Jesse pulled out his phone and went to gallery. He scrolled down a bit and  finally showed me three pictures of Tom and Chloe making out outside of Parsley Hall. "See? She's been cheating this whole time."

I felt my heart break. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How could Chloe do something like that? How could she, when I see no one but her in my life. This was probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I felt as if someone had shot my heart a thousand times. "Okay." I whispered.

"Okay? Okay what?" Jesse asked, still holding me to him.

"Okay, I'll break up with Chloe, I'll go back out with you... I can't afford a lawyer, and I don't want to talk to my dad. I'll be with you again, Jesse." I still spoke quietly. 

"Good to hear." Jesse smirked. 


I went back to the Bella's house, my head hung low in shame. I didn't want to take him back. I just don't have any other choice. 
"Beca! Where have you been, baby?" Chloe smiled that gorgeous smile, where her bright blue eyes looked like stars. She rushed to me, arms outstretched for a hug and I almost took her into my arms. Almost.

I placed my hands on her arms and pushed them down to her side. "Don't touch me. Ever. Ever Again." I felt a tear leave my eye and Chloe's smile vanished, turning into a frown with a tremble in the lip. She searched my eyes and I felt my heart break more, for making her sad. "We're done. Chloe, we're done."

"Beca, this isn't funny." Chloe shook her head.

I sighed "I know. It's not meant to be. We're over Chloe. I know about you and Tom and your little Russian Lit make out sessions." I watched her face get confused, then she gasped. "Yeah. I know. I know about all of it. Fuck you. How could you?"

Chloe went to grab my hand but I quickly pulled it away. "Beca, I-"

"No. I don't want to hear about how sorry you are, or how it only happened a few times. It happened. We're done. I'm with Jesse again, and things are fine." I felt my voice grow weaker in the last sentence. Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm moving out of our room. I'm switching roommates with Flo. She'll move in to your room tonight." 

"But... Beca..." Chloe's voice broke. She was sobbing. I wanted so badly to hold her and make her feel safe, but I couldn't let myself. "Beca. Please!" She fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around my legs. I felt a sob come out, and I was crying to. Sympathetically, I placed my hand in her hair. "Beca, I'm sorry."

"I just... I want to know why." I said. "Get up. Get up, and tell me. Why would you stray?"

Chloe stood, her face covered in tears and streaked makeup. "I... I don't know why I did it. Tom would just, rub my thigh during class, or pinch my ass, or do something, and before I knew it he asked me to skip class one day to talk. We ended up making out, and... I didn't think you would find out."

I nodded. "You know, if you had told me that it never happened. That it was a lie, that the pictures Jesse sent me were fake, I would have believed you because I'm just that fucking stupid. But, I guess you knew that already, didn't you?" I ran upstairs and started packing my things. I looked around at all of the pictures we had framed or hung. It made me angry. So fucking angry that I believed that she really loved me back. 

I looked at a picture of us taken by Aubrey. We were in the middle of rehearsals and Chloe just ran up and kissed me. It was aggravating that on that same day, those lips could have connected with Tom's. I took the frame and threw it against the wall. I grabbed another and did the same, again, and again, and again. Until all the pictures were smashed and ruined. Like my heart, and our relationship.

I turned around to see Chloe in the doorway. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah? Well you didn't have to cheat. Guess we were both wrong." I said. 

Chloe looked at the floor. "I know."  

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