Daddy's Little Stinger Part 27

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Chapter 27:

Scorpion appears downstairs to smell the delicious pizza from her favorite place—a huge smile curls on her natural lips. The birthday girl sees her father and stepmother wearing Fa Zhou and Fa Li costumes.

"Ooo, look at you, warrior!" Sabine smiles at her stepdaughter as she places down the paper plates.

"I haven't done Ping before even though my character in Impact is kinda based on Ping," she smirks, posing in her Sabrina pose.

"It definitely suits you," Sting grins. "Everyone should be here soon. What games do you want to play again?"

"Definitely Disney Trivia, but I am not sure if anyone wants to stay in character," she explains.

"If they do, they do," Sting says. "Let's also have Disney Uno cards if no one wants to play trivia."

"Okay, I can hook my laptop to the television," Scorpion remembers something. "Disneyland-related YouTube videos will be playing in the background," she smiles, reviewing a mental list.

"I believe we have a game plan for your birthday!" her stepmother says. "Honey, do we have candy for the trick-or-treaters?" Sabine asked her husband who was already getting the candy from a kitchen cabinet.

"We got the good stuff," Sting smirks as he shows a box filled with full-sized candy bars.

Scorpion squeals a bit, seeing that. "You found them, Daddy?!" she grins, running over to grab them.

"Of course, I did, little warrior," he chuckles seeing his daughter happy. "It's your birthday and you deserve the best."

"Thank you so much, Daddy!" the birthday girl hugs her father happily.

"You're very welcome, Sabrina," he smiles and hugs her back.

Sabine couldn't help, but smile at the sight. She loves seeing the love her husband has for his daughter, and of course, all of his children.

Everything's soon ready. Scorpion's laptop hooks up to the television playing some random Disneyland-insprised videos to the introduction music to meeting different characters. The Disney games are out and ready.

A knock appears at the door. Ping hurries over to answer it. The moment she answers it, a huge grin curls on her face. "Welcome to training, Princess Erica and Princess Ariel!" she greets in her best Ping voice.

"Thank you so much for having the training grounds near my oceans, Ping!" Hera, dressed as Princess Ariel in her black and blue dress, smiles happily at the warrior. "We were concerned we won't be able to arrive in time," she mentions, entering the house.

"Lucky for you, there will be no training in the oceans today, so your feet can rest for the moment," Ping smiles more, closing the door behind them. "Say, where is that Grimsby fellow around you, Princess Erica?" she asked, noticing the lack of an advisor/caretaker.

"Grim didn't think it's appropriate for Ariel and me to do such extreme activity," Kelly, dressed as Princess Erica, in her "Prince Eric" voice while rolling her eyes. "He doesn't know what he's missing," she smiles, making Ariel smile at her dreamily.

"Princess Erica, Princess Ariel," Zhou and Li bows to the young princesses in respect greeting them.

"Welcome to the Fa training grounds," Zhou greets them.

"Honorable Fa Zhou," Princess Erica and Princess Ariel bow respectfully.

"It's such an honor for this welcome," Princess Ariel smiles happily. "My father and sisters weren't able to come onto land because I didn't want my daddy to use so much of his triton on them."

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