|11.|Bad decision

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Arman's sudden arrival sent my anger simmering to a boil

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Arman's sudden arrival sent my anger simmering to a boil. I had meticulously orchestrated his departure, manipulating him into abandoning his own wedding. And now, he had the audacity to return, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made my blood seethe.

The way he looked at her, with a mix of longing and remorse, made me want to throttle him. It was clear he had finally realized his mistake, but his belated epiphany only fueled my fury. How dare he think he could make amends after his serial infidelities, both before and after the wedding? His actions were unforgivable, and I would ensure that neither Kashvi nor anyone else would ever absolve him of his transgressions. My own interests depended on it, and I would stop at nothing to keep him in the doghouse.

As Arman stands before me, surrounded by our family's eager faces, my anger is a raging inferno that threatens to engulf me whole. My mind is a maelstrom of fury, my thoughts seething with resentment and betrayal. The air is heavy with tension, and I can feel my pulse pounding in my temples like a drumbeat of wrath. But then, my gaze falls on Kashvi, my beautiful wife, sitting gracefully beside me like a vision of serenity.

Her presence is a calming balm, a soothing distraction from the turmoil brewing inside me. Her gentle smile and radiant eyes are a beacon of peace, a reminder that I must keep my temper in check, lest I unleash a torrent of hurt on those around me. Kashvi's serene presence is my anchor, holding me fast and preventing me from succumbing to the all-consuming anger that threatens to destroy everything in its path.

As if to momentarily distract myself from the turbulent storm brewing within, I surreptitiously slid my arm around Kashvi's slender waist, my fingers grazing the soft, exposed skin above her waistline.

My thumb and index finger then subtly pinched the tender flesh, eliciting a soft, surprised gasp from her lips. Her eyes, like two shimmering pools of wonder, widened as she turned to me, their sparkling depths flashing a mixture of surprise and gentle reprimand.

The faint blush that rose to her cheeks only served to heighten her beauty, and for an instant, my anger was forgotten, replaced by a deep appreciation for this lovely creature beside me.

"What in the name of all that's holy...! Can't you rein in your wandering hands for one moment? Are you completely oblivious to the gravity of our conversation?"
I swept my gaze around the room, meeting the stern, disapproving faces of my family members, their expressions a testament to the seriousness of the matter at hand.

My father's bushy eyebrows were furrowed in dismay, and my mother's lips pursed in disappointment for Arman. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with unspoken words, and my careless gesture had only served to further exacerbate the tension.

"For your benefit, let me enlighten you - they are engaged in a most solemn and severe discussion, we have not even said a word." I declared, my finger jabbing accusingly in the direction of my family, who were bombarding Arman with queries, their faces set in stern, unyielding expressions.

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