Naughty boy...

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Y/n's POV

Already halfway done with my 4th bottle. Who the fuck did I turn out as? This isn't me, this isn't the Y/n my siblings think. The last person I want to turn out as is dad. I don't want to drown my self in alcohol my whole life.

"Y/n" I hear Gwen whisper my name behind my door as she knocks quietly. I answer the door and hear her panting.

"Gwen?" I frown at her and try to sober up so she won't suspect something.

"Come with me" she says and walks away. I follow her to see where she wants me to go.

We go into the garage and she walks to our bikes and picks them up.

"Gwen? What are you doing?"

"You sound sick Y/n, are you ok?" She asks suspecting something.

"Yeah, just tired. Why are you grabbing your bike?" I ask her.

"I have to see something and I don't want to go alone" she answers.

"Well can't ya wait till morning it's too late."

"No Y/n I can't , I'll tell you on the way." She opens the garage quietly so she won't wake up dad or any of the neighbors.

She walk her bike outside and gets on. She gestures me to follow her, so I grab my bike and walk it out of the garage and try to get on it. I struggle trying to get in it and Gwen just looks at me with a confused look.

"Got it" I say.

Gwen nods her head and starts pedaling away. I follow her but I'm struggling to try to keep straight. A couple minutes later we're on the other side of the neighborhood. Gwen told me she's looking for a house with a door that doesn't look like a regular front door for a house. In her dream she saw Finney banging on the door screaming for help and trying to get out.

We make a turn and saw that it was a dead end with houses and the small forest. We turn around and start heading the same way we came from. I see a someone walking in front of us but I can't really see what they look like it's like they're just a shadow. I think I'm seeing shit right now, it's probably the alcohol.

I look down at the ground and see a blood puddle with a bandanna that's drenched in blood. I frown at what I'm seeing right now as the tip off my shoe touches the blood puddle. I continue pedaling without taking my eyes off the puddle, I look forward and see Robin in front of me... Oh fuck!


I went down the hill and tumbled against my bike. I groan in pain and look at my leg that's all scratched up, I see that it's starting to bleed. I froze for a couple of seconds until someone runs to me.

"Y/n!" The voice muffled as I continue to stay still

"Y/n!" Gwen pats me on the shoulder as I jump.

"Are you ok?" She asks worried.

"Did you see?" I ask her trying to calm down but I kept breathing heavily.

"See what?" She looks confused if what I'm asking. Did she not see Robin?

I groan and hold my stomach, I start feeling nauseous and try to sit up. Oh fuck... I vomit to my side.

"Oh my god!" Gwen yells out.

"Let's get you home!" She helps me up

I get up with the help of Gwen and pick up my bike from the pile of leaves I fell on.

Finn's POV

"Hello?" I answer the phone. Nobody responded so I just hung up the phone. I went back to the hallway and dug up more dirt from the pile, I tried to be careful while jumping the hole with the metal object from the window so I won't break my ankle. Maybe this will help me if the grabber walks through here and falls into this hole, I have a better chance of escaping.

I collapse my self onto the bed, my body feels terrible with only unseasoned eggs and soda in my body. I start falling asleep, all in hoping is that I can see Robin and the others again. I can't imagine Robin dying, he's the toughest guy I know.


I wake up to the noise of something leaking, I honestly don't know why I'm waking up to that sound but it's so loud. I can't see anything so I grab my toy rocket and turn the light on. I examine the room to see where the leaking noise is coming from.

I keep looking for the leak then I spot blood dripping. Where is that blood coming from? I move the light to the trail of blood and spotted a floating body that's full of blood. I freeze not taking my eyes off the floating boy. The boy raises his arm and points to the phone, I point my light to the phone where he's pointing at.

I pick the phone up and put it against my ear as I wait for what's coming next.

"You don't have much time" the boy says.

"The grabber hasn't been sleeping."

The boy laughs as I have a confused reaction of why he's laughing in this situation when he's dead. This boy seems young, like younger than Gwen or the same age as her. Could it be Griffin?

"Are you Griffin?"

"Who?" He asks.

"Griffin Stagg" I said.

"Maybe. It's all a little hazy but I imagined you knew all our names."

"Every kid does. I didn't know you."

"Nobody did" Griffin says.

"You spend so many years invisible. Then every kid in the state knows you... you don't have much time" he speaks again.

"Why hasn't he killed me?" I ask Griffin.

"You won't play the game. You have to play the game. If you don't play the game, he can't win" he responds.

"What game?"

"Naughty boy. If you don't play Naughty boy the Grabber can't beat you. If he can't beat you, he can't move on to the next part, and the next part of Naughty boy is his favorite part..." I get curious of what the next part is, is it killing me?

"What's the next part?" I ask him.

He starts laughing like crazy after I asked the question. What's with this kid?

"You. Don't. Have. Much. Time!"

We spend five minutes talking about how Naughty boy works. Now im struggling with Griffins bike lock combination, I don't know how the order goes but I'll have to try when I get to the door.

I walk up from the basement quietly so I won't wake the Grabber up. I sneak past him hoping not to make a sound.

I get to the front door and enter the combination. The first passcode didn't work so I try the second combination. Fuck it didn't work either I'm running out of time. I enter the third and the lock opened, I open the door but this fucking dog started barking. I ran outside trying to make my way out of the property.

Just then I hear the Grabber speed up with his van trying get to me. I continue running as fast as I could but he drives in front of me and gets out of his van. I try to run the other way and yell out for help but he grabbed me and we both stumbled to the ground.

"Say one fucking word and I will gut you like a pig on the street" he says to me holding a knife to my neck waiting for the house lights to turn off.

The lights turn off and he pinned me to the ground and got on top of me.

"Nighty night naughty boy!" He knocks me out cold.

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