Part 1 when you came home..

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You sat in your room, the familiar scent of home mingling with the bittersweet memories of your time abroad

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You sat in your room, the familiar scent of home mingling with the bittersweet memories of your time abroad. It had only been a week since you returned, and the whirlwind of emotions had yet to settle.

The evening sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room that you had grown up in.

Your thoughts drifted to Jungkook, the boyfriend you had met and fallen for while you were away.

The smile that used to light up his face, the way he would laugh at your silly jokes, and the warmth of his embrace all seemed like a distant dream now.

Your grandmother's sudden illness had brought you back home unexpectedly, and in the rush, you hadn’t had the chance to tell Jungkook about your sudden departure.

You had waited for him to show up at the airport, hoping for a last-minute goodbye, but he never came. His phone was unreachable, and now, with your number changed, there seemed to be an insurmountable distance between you.

You sighed, the weight of your situation pressing down on you. “How could he just disappear like that?” you wondered aloud, frustration and sadness creeping into your voice. "Did something happen to him, or did he just... not care?"

A gentle knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts. It was probably one of your siblings. Despite the chaos in your mind, a small smile tugged at your lips. Your family adored you, and being the eldest, you always felt a sense of responsibility towards them.

Come in," you called out, trying to keep your voice steady.

The door opened to reveal your younger sister, eyes wide with concern. "Mom and Dad want to talk to you," she said softly.

You nodded, bracing yourself for the conversation you knew was coming.

Your parents had always been strict about following rules and traditions, and with your grandmother’s health deteriorating, they were eager to fulfill her wish of seeing you married.

As you walked downstairs, your mind raced with thoughts of duty, family, and the heartache of your unresolved feelings for Jungkook. Entering the living room, you found your parents seated together, their faces lined with worry and determination.

"Y/N," your mother began, her voice gentle but firm. "We need to talk about something important."

You sat down across from them, trying to keep your composure. "I know what this is about," you said quietly. "Grandma wants to see me married."

Your father nodded, his expression serious. "We understand this is sudden, but it’s her dearest wish. She doesn’t have much time left, and we want to honor her desires."

Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. "But... what about my feelings? What about what I want?" you asked, your voice trembling.

You pulled your hand back gently, standing up to pace the room. "I understand that, but I'm not ready to make such a huge decision right now. I haven't even had time to process everything that's happened."

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