In this life I'll hold your hand

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The world was ending the border was coming in there were more mobs around, and everyone was fighting we already lost Oli and Sausage everything was chaos, I couldn't take it my mind was going crazy then I saw Shelby in the corner she cowering in the corner trying to avoid the fight I flew down to her.

Shelby: Scott, I'm scared

Scott: I know there is not much we can do, power has taken over

Shelby: But we used to be all friends, we don't need to fight (Flashback)

(This is Shelby's One life POV) The purge was about to start, I got my gear together just waiting for the bell to sound (ding) the bell sounded right after that explosions started happening there was yelling echoing from everywhere lightning struck Tiff was gone, I met Jack at Joey's house we started fighting lightning struck again Joel was gone and again Lizzie was gone then there was silence Jack disappeared in the mist I flew looking for other people. An explosion somewhere in the distance I flew in that direction looking for anyone I saw Joey in the distance he was shooting arrows at me I try and land I pull my sword out and lightning again and Joey's dead. I hear Jack and Scott fighting in the background I run to join them then boom Jack's dead " It's just you and me huh" I said " I guess " Scott said then we start duel my health is low and Scott swung again and I'm dead. I saw Scott fall to the floor and he said "I'm sorry Shelby we will see in another life".(End of Flashback)

Scott: Shelby you ok, you spaced out there

Shelby: Sorry a flashback from another life

Scott: Well Kathy and Owen died

Shelby: Oh no

Scott: Why do we have to fight, we used to be friends but now were enemies (Flashback)

(This is Scott's Witchcraft POV) The battle was about to start, I was so nervous I did this for one person and one person only but what if I fail, I can't not now not ever. We gather around spawn Bertha arrives "Hello witches, you will now be taken to the battle grounds, once you are taken there you have 5 mins to roam around then battle comences. Good luck" ( They get teleported). We are now in an open battle field with a few buildings around I use my shadow wand to fly away from the group I loot a couple chests and get a good view of what everything looks like I start to try and find my coven I found El then Cleo all we need now is Lauren (Ding) the 5 mins is over we still haven't found Lauren I split off a little bit from the other 2 to find Lauren I hear shouting in the distance I fly towards it, it was Lauren I yell " Let her be" then Lauren runs to my side and we reconvene with the other 2 we talk strategy. Then the other coven finds us we start fighting lightning struck Lauren was out and again Tiff was out, I find Cleo and El and we start trying to go for the other coven I couldn't see anything is was just mist then lightning struck again Joey was out I was fighting Pris I shoot magic at hey then swung my sword she was gone and another loud boom El was gone it was just me, Cleo and Shelby, I saw them fighting I went and joined Shelby just kept running and running then she shot lightning and Cleo was gone just me and her again we started hand to hand combat my health was already low I closed my eyes and swung again boom she disappeared I fall to the ground and say "I'm sorry, I had to do it for him" (End of Flashback)

Shelby: Scott earth to Scott

Scott: Oh i'm sorry, something to mind

Unison: Scott Shelby, I'll hold your hand this time

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