Star Wars AU

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The realization came onto him like a thunderbolt. It struck him and all of a sudden all he could feel was the hopelessness and the sense of betrayal that left him reeling.

Had it not been himself who connected the dots, he would laugh at how utterly nonsensical and impossible it sounded. But the truth had been laid bare and he was both the witness and the victim. He still couldn't think which one would hurt less but nevertheless he was angry.

His anger had always been a bright fiery thing, consuming and overwhelming, eating away all his senses until all that is left is the desire for revenge. When he had been told of Sirius Black, his godfather-turned-traitor, his rage caused him to fly a system over to catch and end the man's life.

Thankfully, he didn't succeed. Not for the lack of trying, but for the goodness of his friends and the change in the force.

It frightened him. In its intensity, it was alarming dark and had he not noticed the rot he wouldn't have stopped. He was so ready to lay waste to the planet he was on, regardless of the innocent people there, in the name of revenge and he doubted that he would regret it.

Then, his encounter with Peter Pettigrew happened and he let the man live. It stayed his hand and he made a grave mistake in doing so. Pettigrew escaped custody and Sirius, being a good man he always was, tried to plicate him but the deed had been done and there's nothing he could do to undone it.

He had touch the dark side and the consequences were damning as they were great. Devastating yet great.

But this, this heart wrenching betrayal made him desire to destroy all.

He took a deep breath to let go of the anger.

"You. It has been you all along," Harry exclaimed as he stumbled away from the looming figure of the senator of Slytherin. "You have all of us wrapped around your fingers. You are controlling everything!"

The accusations were made, and the lightsabre was ignited. The green light filled the darkened room of Senator Riddle.

"Young Harry. You give me too much credit." The Sith sighed delicately.

"Yes, dear Harry. I am the one behind all of this. Although you're wrong on one account. I didn't have to do anything to convince your council. You all willingly jumped into the traps laid beforehand. And I must say that it's certainly naïve of your masters," chuckled the monster in the room, his brown eyes were goldish rims around the iris now that he was making no effort to conceal his identity.

Harry exploded. "Stop mocking us! We couldn't do anything with the republic forcing our hands!" He started pacing back and forth.

Harry couldn't believe the situation he was in right now. He had been sent to investigate the sightings of two Siths on the planet of Slytherin by the council.

He was sent along with Knight Malfoy who turned out to be one of the many acolytes of Darth Voldemort, the sith master, which in turn meant that there were a total of four darksiders running around on this planet. And that posed a constant and deadly threat to the senator of Slytherin who was not only an avid supporter of the Jedi but also a dear friend of his.

Harry wasn't a good battle tactician like his friend, Ron. Nor he had domes of encyclopedias and holo records memorized like Hermione. He was a fighter, a warrior and his strengths lay in duelling and battle. What most people tended to forget about him was that he was awfully good at thinking on his feet. His fast thinking had won countless duels and battles for the republic.

So, when he got a inkling that he needed to check the personal records of Senator Riddle, Harry didn't hesitate a second. At first, there were nothing of note, just the usual records that a person like Riddle would have. But when he decided to slice into the more secured records and files, he was face to face with the plans of the destruction of his republic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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