Meet Me

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Meet Me

Here is a form you can fill out if you want to meet me and introduce yourself:



Favorite Color:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite Book:

A Book(s) You Want Me To Read:

Favorite Book Series:

Follow (yes or no):

Here is how I filled out the form:

Nickname/Name: Silver

Pronouns: She/her

Favorite Color: Lavender

Favorite Food: Butter Rice

Favorite Animal: Giraffe

Favorite Book: Warrior Cats || A Light in The Mist

A Book(s) You Want Me To Read: Whispering Oaks

Favorite Book Series: Warrior Cats

Follow (yes or no): I can't follow myself

Feel free to share your answers! I can't wait to learn more about you and connect through our shared love of reading and writing. Happy reading and introducing!

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