My Books

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My Books


✓ = Completed

– = In Progress

॥ = Paused

🖋️ = Editing

1. Whispering Oaks (–) - In Progress

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: Luna is a young cat who was always destined to save her Tribe. When drought comes she chooses to stand up and do something to save her Tribe. Follow her as she battles to let her Tribe drink again and do it in hopes of making her mother proud.

2. Echoes of The Forgotten (॥, only until I finish Whispering Oaks) - Paused

Genre: Fanfiction

Summary: Whisperwind has always had slightly meaningful dreams, but when she starts to dream of the lost cats of EchoClan she starts thinking they might be real. Tune in while Whisperwind tries to bring EchoClan the justice they deserve and risks everything to do it.

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