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Suddenly she saw a girl who was bullying a boy and abusing him in corner of the empty classroom. She took out her phone and recorded her video and saved it but suddenly a pair of hand grabbed her  phone and hold Ash by her waist .            

(Think Them as  Ash and Chim not that much close )

(Think Them as  Ash and Chim not that much close )

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 Ash:- what the hell!!

He said:- Shsh!! I am Chim.        

  Ash:-  What is going on and where were you .       

Chim:- I was in the garden waiting for both of you and what are you doing here?? 

  Ash:- First give me my phone then i will tell you .

Chim:- Just tell me first.

Ash: - Fine actually I am making her video.

Chim:- I know

 Ash:- So why are you asking me ?? First of all why you grabbed me?

 Chim:- You know that  she is the daughter of principal so why are  you are making her video of  bullying  someone??

Ash:- ugh! I want to expose her to the police.

Chim:-What !!  Her MOM and she owned this  school.

Ash:- So what , did you want to help me or not!!

Chim:-Of course I will help you but I don't want you to be harmed I am just  trying to protect you from Lily.(the person who is bullying)

Ash:- I know but it's necessary

To be continued:-

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