Do You love someone??

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After few minutes later

Ash was walking with Chim  in hallway as  Rose was absent ,but suddenly her hand was gripped by a muscular hand and She flinch as He pulled her and pinned her on  the  wall .

Ash was walking with Chim  in hallway as  Rose was absent ,but suddenly her hand was gripped by a muscular hand and She flinch as He pulled her and pinned her on  the  wall

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 Chim was busy on his phone So he was unaware about the situation . Ash eyes were closed.

Ash :-( opened her eyes) What the HELL!! what do  you want  now ?  huhh!! and leave my hand .

Taehyung :- I am savin..  

She cut his words and say

Ash :- From whom ??From yourself or ghost

He put his hand on her mouth and shush her 

Taehyung :- You speak too much Miss Shortie

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Taehyung :- You speak too much Miss Shortie

She bit his  hand and Taehyung hiss in pain.

Taehyung :- OUCH !!

Ash :- Just don't call me Shortie   You Giraffe !!

She was leaving 

Taehyung :- Hey !! Listen I am saving you from ...

Suddenly her foot  slipped  and she was ready to feel the pain but a muscular pair of hands pulled her  falling figure towards him 

Her eyes was still closed .

Why can't I feel the pain she thought  where as Taehyung  was looking at  Ash 

Taehyung :- Are you fine??

As h:- Umm.. Umm .. Yeah!! yeah thanks . (in a low tone)

Taehyung :- What did you say ! or I listen wrong  , You  thank me OMMG !! (dramatically )

Ash :- Don't get used to it

Taehyung :- Anyways I am saving you from spilled water But your stubborn ass didn't  listen  to me.

Ash :- Shut up   (she was again stopped by him )

Taehyung :- Ummm. . umm Do You love someone?? uh...

To be continued :- 

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