Chapter 11

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Recap: Without waiting for a response, I walked out of the dining room, leaving the heavy silence behind me. (after being told the rules)

Anastacia POV:

I easily made it back to my room thanks to my photographic memory and went to sit in my window seat. I didn't feel like working, and I had done most of it on the plane anyway, so I picked up a book and decided to read for a while.

The mansion was quiet, a stark contrast to the earlier tension at dinner. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow through the large windows. I got lost in the pages of my book, enjoying the temporary escape from the reality of my situation.

It was Saturday night, which meant I'd be starting school in two days. The thought didn't exactly thrill me, but it wasn't like I had a choice. I pushed it out of my mind and continued reading, letting the words take me to another place.

Hours passed unnoticed. The sky outside darkened, and the room was bathed in the soft, ambient light of the mansion. Just as I was beginning to get really absorbed in my book, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen and saw Noah's name.

I answered, "Hey, Noah."

"Hey, Stace. Just checking in on you. How's everything going over there?"

I sighed. "You know, the usual. Cesco laid down some ridiculous rules, and there was the expected drama at dinner. But I'm good."

Noah chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds about right. So, you settled in okay?"

"Yeah, more or less. The room's nice, I guess. Black-themed, with an ensuite and a walk-in closet. There's even a window seat."

"That sounds pretty sweet. At least you have a good place to read."

"True," I admitted. "It's not all bad."

Noah's voice softened. "I just called to let you know that Mum, Lily, and I arrived a few hours ago. We're literally ten minutes away from your house if you need anything. Oh, and also send me the details of what school you're going to so Mum can enrol us as well!"

Hearing that they were so close brought a wave of relief. Knowing they were nearby made the mansion feel a bit less isolating. "Thanks, Noah. I'll send you the details."

"Anytime, Stace. Oh, and Dad and Ollie are gonna be joining us next week!"

That news surprised me. "Really? I thought they were staying back a while longer."

"Nope, it didn't take as long as they thought it would to move the mafia around and sort all those details out so they'll be here soon."

"Good to know," I said, feeling a little lighter. "I'll send you the school info now."

After hanging up, I sent Noah the school details and put my phone down.

By the time it was 5 AM, I had finished the first Throne of Glass book, and can I tell you, that shit is amazing!

Deciding there was no point in trying to sleep now, I got up and started getting ready. After a quick shower and changing into my workout gear, I headed down to the gym to do my morning workout.

I started my workout with a solid warm-up to get my blood flowing—jumping jacks, high knees, and some dynamic stretches.

Then I moved on to strength training, hitting the weights hard with a series of deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. Each rep was a welcome distraction, the burn in my muscles a reminder that I was in control.

Next, I focused on core exercises: planks, Russian twists, and leg raises. My abs screamed in protest, but I pushed through, determined to make the most of this early morning session.

Finally, I finished off with some intense cardio—sprints on the treadmill followed by a gruelling HIIT routine.

By the end of it, I was drenched in sweat, my heart pounding but I no longer felt like I would murder everyone I saw.

By the time I was finished, it was about 7 am so I went back up to my room, showered and got changed into my clothes for the day.

Feeling casual, I slipped into some simple light grey sweatpants and a dark grey turtleneck. It was comfy and warm, and most importantly, it covered all my scars.

 It was comfy and warm, and most importantly, it covered all my scars

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(A/n: imagine it goes all the way done to her pants)

I then put on some simple makeup, mainly just to cover up the dark purple eye bags that were constantly present on my face. Feeling slightly more presentable, I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I noticed only Francesco and Ricardo were present. Simply ignoring them, I grabbed an apple and started to eat it while leaning against the counter, texting Lily, Noah, and Ollie in our group chat.

Their messages were a welcome distraction, helping me momentarily forget the awkwardness of the situation. Francesco and Ricardo exchanged a glance but didn't say anything. I could feel their eyes on me, but I pretended not to notice, focusing instead on my best friend's updates and jokes.

Of course, Cesco had to ruin the moment by clearing his throat, forcing me to abandon my conversation with the triplets and look at him,
"The twins will take you shopping for school supplies and clothes later today, they are still probably sleeping so they will take you when they wake."

Rolling my eyes I say "I don't need new clothes or school supplies i got plenty, no need to go shopping, oh and a few cars of mine will be arriving tonight"

Lily had texted me saying that one of my bikes and one of my cars were coming today, and the rest are going to be at their house, no need to make my brothers suspicious about how I can afford such things, and if they ask ill just say the two that arrive were presents from the triplets.

"I don't really care if you don't need new things, Stacy, please just let us spoil you, we have 12 years to make up for, so you will go shopping with the twins today whether you like it or not"

Jeez is this dude bipolar, one second he's strict the next he is soft and sad then he's strict again, like what the fuck dude.

Sughing and rolling my eyes once again, I attempt to make my way out of the kitchen and back to my room.

The key word being attempt

Before I can even make it 3 steps Ric's voice rings out

"Aren't you going to eat something?" he asks his voice laced with concern.

"I did eat"

"Yeah one apple that's not enough" Cesco points out

"I don't usually eat breakfast" I state before leaving and heading back to my room before anyone can stop again.

This chapter is little shorter than the others but i split it in half cause if i didnt it would be wayyyyy to long!
So chapter 12 will be the shopping trip then chapter 13 will be first day of school, so chapter 12 might be a bit shorter again

Anyway tysm for reading love you all!!!

Please vote and comment you have no idea how much motivation it gives me!


Word count: 1231

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