Chapter 22

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Ollie POV:

Noah, Lily, and I were making our way to our car after saying goodbye to Stacy, Matteo, and Elliot. It had been a good day. Our little group was really starting to gel, and despite the complexities of our lives, we were finding moments of genuine connection and fun.

As we walked, Noah and Lily were chatting animatedly about the upcoming weekend. We had always been close, but being separated for a while had made us appreciate our time together even more. Seeing Noah and Lily smile and laugh was a constant reminder of the strength of our bond.

"That was a solid workout," Noah said, stretching his arms above his head. "I feel like we're finally getting into a groove."

"Yeah," Lily agreed, glancing at me. "And it's nice having Matteo and Elliot around. They bring a different energy."

I nodded, unlocking the car. "Definitely."

As we got into the car, I couldn't help but think about Stacy. We had known her for years, ever since we saved her from the Greek Mafia. She was tough, no doubt about that, but there was also a vulnerability she tried hard to hide. We knew the depth of her trauma and the strength it took for her to keep going every day. She had come a long way, but the shadows of her past were always there.

"Ready to head home?" I asked, starting the engine.

"Yeah," Lily replied, fastening her seatbelt. "Stacy's something else, isn't she?"

"She is," I admitted, pulling out of the parking lot.

As we drove, the conversation shifted to lighter topics—school, music, plans for the weekend. But my mind kept drifting back to Stacy. We knew her deepest secrets, her role as Devil's Blade, and her struggles with showing emotions. Despite the walls she put up, we had seen the real Stacy, and we were committed to being there for her.

We arrived home, and as we got out of the car, Noah suddenly stopped and turned to me. "Ollie, do you think Stacy's okay? I mean, really okay?"
I paused, considering his question. "I think she's doing better. But it's going to take time."

Lily nodded. "True. I just hope she knows how much she means to us. We'll always have her back."

"I think she does," I said, closing the car door. "Although since I've been back, I've noticed that the bags under her eyes have gotten worse. Even with makeup, it's easy to see them if you look closely enough."

"Fuck, Lily, why didn't we notice that?" Noah said, his voice rising in panic. "She's been so good at school, I didn't even think about how her nights have been. Holy shit, Ollie, we've been here with Stacy for like five weeks, you two, and you notice this but not us? I'm a shit friend. Oh my god, I'm so bad," Noah said, starting to break down.

"Noah, it's fine. She was wearing makeup," Lily said, trying to soothe him.


"Noah, calm down. It's fine. How about we invite her over for a sleepover sometime?" I suggested, trying to steer the conversation towards a solution.

Noah took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself. "Yeah, that's a good idea. She needs to know we're here for her."

Lily nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. We'll make it a relaxing night. She can sleep next to you, Noah. She always says she sleeps best with you."

"Yes, yes, we are doing that," Noah said, sounding relieved.

"Okay, let's plan it for this weekend," I said, feeling a bit more at ease. "We'll talk to her tomorrow and set it up."

As we walked inside, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. Stacy was our best friend, practically family, and we would do whatever it took to support her. The darkness of her past might still cast a shadow, but together, we could bring a little more light into her life.

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