Chapter 39

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Stacy's POV

The hallways of the school buzzed with the usual chatter and chaos, but it all felt muted, distant. My mind was elsewhere, drifting back to last night, replaying everything that happened. Klaus, the nightmare, the panic attack... It all felt like some kind of fever dream, but the ache in my chest and the weight on my shoulders were too real to ignore.

Lily was talking animatedly next to me, her voice a blur as we walked to class. Noah and Ollie trailed behind, deep in conversation. Matteo had already disappeared into the classroom, probably saving us seats, but I couldn't bring myself to care about whatever lesson was about to start. I wasn't in the mood to sit through another hour of pretending everything was fine, of pretending I was the same girl I'd been before last night.

"I'm skipping," I muttered under my breath, stopping in my tracks.

Lily turned to me, frowning. "What? You just got here."

I shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I need some air. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Noah and Ollie exchanged glances, clearly used to my disappearing acts by now, but Lily looked concerned. "Are you sure? You seemed off earlier—"

"I'm fine," I interrupted, forcing a smile. "I just need a minute."

Lily hesitated, but she nodded slowly. "Okay... But text me if you need anything, alright?"

I nodded, already turning on my heel and heading down the hallway. I could feel their eyes on me, but I didn't stop. The walls felt too close, the noise too loud, and I needed to get out—get away from everything before I lost it completely.

As I slipped out of the main building and made my way toward the stairs that led to the roof, the cool air hit my face, and for the first time all morning, I felt like I could breathe again. The roof had become my sanctuary over the past few months, the one place where I could escape from the chaos below, from the weight of the world pressing down on me. No one came up here unless they were looking for trouble—or, like me, looking for peace.

Once I reached the top, I pushed open the heavy metal door and stepped onto the gravel-covered roof. The view wasn't anything special, just the sprawling mess of the city below, but it was quiet. Calm. Exactly what I needed.

The door to the roof creaked as I shut it behind me, sealing off the chaos of the school halls. The air up here was crisp, the breeze tugging at my hair, making everything feel lighter, more distant. I lit the joint and took a deep drag, feeling the smoke burn through my throat before I exhaled slowly. The familiar cloud of weed wrapped around my mind, dulling the sharp edges of the thoughts that had been stabbing at me since last night.

The nightmares, the panic attack—Klaus.

I swallowed hard, trying to push the memories aside. I didn't have time for that right now. School was already a drag, and the last thing I needed was to let the weight of everything crash down on me in the middle of class. Everyone had their limits, and mine was stretched pretty damn thin.

I leaned back against the low wall of the roof, staring out at the city beyond. The haze of weed settled in, making the city skyline blur slightly, softening the harsh lines. It was nice up here, away from everything. I could just be alone, my thoughts no longer gnawing at me like they did when I was surrounded by people.

I took another drag, letting the smoke curl around me as I closed my eyes and focused on the silence. For a while, it worked. The ache in my chest dulled, and the tension in my shoulders eased. The weed wrapped itself around me like a comforting blanket, silencing the memories that refused to stay buried.

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