Chapitre 1

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Amelia Richards strode through the bustling streets of Philadelphia, her piercing green eyes darting from one colorful storefront to another. The city pulsed with life, a symphony of laughter and conversation that carried on the crisp autumn air, and Amelia felt herself drawn to its vibrant energy.

As she tucked a stray lock of chestnut hair behind her ear, her gaze lingered on a group of artists gathered at a sidewalk café, their easels set up as they captured the essence of the city on canvas. Amelia longed to join them, to be a part of this kaleidoscope of life, but instead, she sighed and continued on her way home.

The Richards' dining room was bathed in the warm glow of the chandelier, casting shadows on the pristine white tablecloth and gleaming silverware. Eleanor Richards, impeccably dressed and coiffed, sat at the head of the table, cutting into her filet mignon with surgical precision.

"Your father expects you to attend the fundraiser tomorrow night, Amelia," she said, her tone measured and authoritative. "It's important for our family to be seen supporting the arts."

"I understand, Mother," Amelia replied, her fingers reaching for the stem of her wine glass as she sought solace in the velvety red liquid. "But I have plans to volunteer at the community center."

"Amelia," Charles Richards interjected, his blue eyes sharp and scrutinizing, "you know your obligations to the family—"

"Obligations that keep me confined like a bird in a gilded cage," she thought bitterly, her jaw tightening as she met her father's gaze.

"Father, I've fulfilled my duties countless times," Amelia countered, her voice strong despite the tension that knotted in her stomach. "I want to contribute to the world beyond just attending galas and fundraisers."

"Your mother and I only wish for you to have a secure future," Charles said, his tone slipping into condescension. "There are certain expectations that come with our status."

"Expectations that leave no room for the person I want to be," Amelia mused, her heart heavy with the weight of her parents' disapproval.

"Perhaps we can discuss this further after the fundraiser," Eleanor suggested, her eyes narrowing as she regarded her daughter. The unspoken warning in her gaze was clear: toe the line, or face the consequences.

"Fine," Amelia relented, struggling to keep the frustration from her voice. "I'll attend the fundraiser."

As the dinner conversation shifted to more mundane topics, Amelia's thoughts returned to the artists she had seen on the city streets. She yearned to shed the constraints of her privileged life and claim her place among the kaleidoscope of souls that made up the vibrant tapestry of the city.

"Tomorrow," she vowed silently, sipping her wine as determination simmered beneath the surface, "I'll find my own path, free of these gilded shackles."

The echo of clattering silverware filled the air as Amelia stood her ground, staring down her parents with a fierce determination that belied her slender frame. Her hands curled into fists at her sides, willing herself to remain steadfast in the face of their disapproval.

"Your obsession with my choices is stifling," Amelia argued, her voice steady despite the emotional turmoil churning within. "I'm not asking for your permission to live my life. I'm simply asking for your support."

"Amelia, we are trying to ensure you have a stable future," Charles replied, his frustration evident in the tightness of his jaw. "But your decisions seem impulsive and reckless."

"Reckless?" Amelia scoffed, her emerald eyes flashing with indignation. "Because I choose to work at a bookstore and explore my passions rather than follow a predetermined path?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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