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it had been 3 days, 3 days since michael kissed luke, and luke was feeling lonelier than ever. he missed the feeling of having someone else's lips on his own, he missed the spark he got when michael touched him, it was addicting and luke was desperate for his next fix.

this feeling was foreign to him, he had never been in love or even had a crush, he was always the type of person that was never showed any interest in being in a relationship even though deep down it was the one thing he longed for the most. he knew that he was young and any relationship that he did have wouldn't last, but he couldn't shake it. it was like a dark cloud following him wherever he went, he could ignore it all he wanted to but it would always be there looming over him and making his skies darker.


on the fourth day without hearing anything from michael, luke gets a letter from his landlord. he can't help but think that he's done something wrong, or that he's violated his lease somehow.

with shaky hands and an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, he opened the envelope.

it turned out that it wasnt anything bad, just a 'friendly reminder' that his rent was due in two weeks, it was also a rude awakening that luke was running out of money faster than he had intended and he still didn't have a job. he was so fucked.

he briefly remembers seeing a 'help wanted' sign at the sephora near his apartment, and it's almost too convenient to be true. he would be able to exchange beauty tips with his co-workers and customers (who actually knew what they were doing), and he would be getting paid for it too!


it was only a short matter of time before luke found himself anxiously waiting by his phone waiting for the call from his (hopefully soon-to-be) manager to find out whether he got the job or not. (ik this isnt how jobs work ok i just didn't want to write an entire interview lol soz)

luke's phone rang once, twice, three times before he finally grabbed his balls (not literally, he would rather ignore the fact that he has a penis all together honestly) and picked up the phone.

"hello, is this lucas hemming?" an excruciatingly monotone voice said.

"uh, yes. and it's actually hemmings-"

"you got the job. you'll start training monday morning, 8am sharp."

luke couldn't believe it, he actually got the job! things might actually start looking up.

"oh my god- thank you so much, you wont regret this i swear-" luke's sentence was cut short by the sound of the dial tone. he had obviously been hung up on but he didn't care, he has a job now, and that means he can go off spending money recklessly without having to feel guilty about it. yes, everything was definitely looking up.

luke wants to share the news with somebody, anybody , and if that means he has to text michael first then fuck it, he's gonna do it.

to; michael

hey, i know we haven't talked in a while but can you come over? i have doritos and season 3 of american horror story on dvd :-))

from; michael

it depends, cool ranch or nacho cheese flavored?

to; michael

BOTH ;-)

from; michael

i'll be over in like 5 minutes

luke couldn't help but giggle, boys like michael were so simple. all it took to convince him was doritos? that was kind of sad, but hey, at least it worked.

and precisely five minutes later there was a knock on luke's door from none other than a very black and blue haired michael.

"you dyed your hair?" luke asked his eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"yeah, its kind of my thing. you look cute today."

luke tried not to blush at the compliment, but it was inevitable. damn his pale skin!

"uh, thanks. now come in, i have good news!"

luke led the way into his small apartment and michael was totally not checking out luke's ass the entire way. totally.

when they arrived in the living room luke jumped onto the couch, excitedly patting the spot next to him. michael didn't know why luke was so happy, but instead of questioning it he sat in his designated spot next to luke.

"alright, i have a pizza on the way and we have to choose something to watch on netflix. i know this sounds totally cliche but it's the best and cheapest idea i had, so..."

"nah, it's fine. but how about you tell me the news first?" michael suggested, turning his body towards luke.

"oh! right, well, i got a letter in the mail the other day saying that my rent was due soon and i was freaking out because i don't have enough money for rent since i keep blowing it on random things and-"

"you know i could always help you out with that, right? like, money's not a big deal for me so..." michael interrupted luke, the smaller boy was dumbfounded.

"no, no, thanks but i don't want to be that friend, you know? anyways, what i was trying to say was that i got a job!" and luke looked so ecstatic and proud, michael had no choice but to kiss him.

it was soft at first, soft lips crashing together like the waves at night. the two were so immersed in each other that they didn't realize that michael had subconsciously pushed luke back on the couch, hovering over the blonde boy.

when the two finally broke apart there were no words spoken, they only looked into the others eyes. it was chliche, but that didn't matter. nothing mattered.

michael was captivated by lukes shining grey-blue eyes. those eyes held so many emotions, so many secrets and untold stories and michael was sure he was going to be the one to break down those walls, to know absolutely everything about the boy below him. it would take time though, that was certain, but for luke michael would wait a million years.


what you missed on "living life with moll" (living life w derek oml)

i got in a car accident ((everyone is fine))((even the tree)), i got a puppy who is currently sleeping on me, i saw tyler oakley on tour, my dad & brother got surgery, i started band camp  and i hit 3k on twitter. nice.

okok im sorry for the lack of updates but i had maJOR writers block and i've been stressed out of my mind. so yeah, sorry.

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