🎤:Sleepy little Y/N

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You entered your room, sighing. Slowly you slipped under your bed sheets and stared at the ceiling, admiring all the cobwebs and cracks. 'One day the damn thing with cave in on me'. You thought tossing and turning, trying to get some sleep.

You don't know how, but soon enough you finally got what you wanted, some damn sleep. Slowly but surely you drifted away through a calm looking wormhole, awaiting your next adventure...no, no, no NOT A WORMHOLE! Y/N COME BACK! WHATEVER YOU DO DON-

"Good morning Captain. we are currently ERROR years into our journey. Coffee is on route. Current ship status is absolutely catastrophic..." Everything went black.

Did you miss me?

You awoke, practically flinging yourself off your bed. "What the..." You breathed, half relived. You stared around your darkened room. you couldn't tell if seconds or hours passed by, but what you could tell is someone or...something was standing in the corner of your room.

"Jim...Jim I think they are awake."

"I don't know..."

"Jim, be very Jim...you gotta be Jim...Just a minute before we air.."

Your eyes widened and you crawled backwards slowly, covering your mouth. There were not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven....You couldn't actually count how many there were. But a LOT of identical people where staring at you like a deer in headlights. They weren't talking anymore just...shushing each other, somehow oddly in sync. 

One of them slowly stepped forward towards you with a camera in his hand, pointing strait at you. "What is that...? D-Don't shoot me..." You gasped. "Jim." He mumbled, slowly looking back at the others. One of the others cleared his throat. "BEAUTIFUL AND OR HANDSOME PERSON! You are on the scene of MILLIONAIREMURDERS! What is your opinion on this CRIME, this WEATHY man has committed!?" He asked spinning himself around like a cartoon character and shoving a microphone straight in your face.

You looked down at the microphone, not sure what to do. "Murder..." You repeated. "What murder?" "The MURDER Mr IPLIER committed!" He said, dramatically putting his hand on his heart in shock. "E-plee-air?" You repeat. "I don't know anyone with that last name..." You answered still so confused. "Well that's were you are WRONG! Mr Iplier, the owner of this Manor has KILLED a man!"

"What...? My father...would never do such a thing..." You say shocked and confused beyond belief. "Well that's were you are WRONG!" He said again. "Mr Iplier has killed an unsuspecting man! And YOU are in grave DANGER!" He said, looking at you with a dramatic shocked face, waiting for a reaction from you. "A-As I said that's not my fathers name...It Mark Fischbach not Mark Iplier....Markiplier is like a nick name but...its not said like that" "Aha!" He said, trying to think of a witty comeback.

He looked at the others. "Did we get the wrong guy?" He mumbled to them. They all shrugged and shook there heads and nodded. "J-Jim cut the camera..." He said, scratching the back of his neck. He took a crumpled piece of paper out of his jeans pocket and looked at a scribbled note. "Dr Iplier..." He mumbled reading the note. "So sorry...we must have gotten something mixed up." He lowly said to you, before sprinting down the corridor with his other...companions.

This is so weird...' You listened to multiple footsteps scuttering out the hallway and whispers that consisted of; "Jim...Jim...Jim...Jim..." God, it felt like you were going insane.

Soon after what felt like hours of listening to the same thing over and over and over and over and over, It was done. Now you were left in complete silence. Complete. Silence. Except from your racing heart, thumping loudly in your ears.

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