Chapter 16 - Kiss

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Mike hesitated for a moment, Will getting impatient and deciding to just close the gap between them. He gently leaned in and connected their lips, Mike's eyes widening slightly in suprise before fluttering closed, his hands moving down to Will's waist, gently pulling them closer.

"Mike?" Will spoke softly, gently detaching from the kiss after a few moments.

"Mm?" Mike hummed, looking down at him.

"Can we take things slow? I don't wanna rush in to anything." He asked, Mike smiling and looking down at him.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled, Will smiling back up at him.

This time Mike leaned forwards and reconnected their lips, a gentle smile on his face. Will let out a soft giggle, gently cupping Mike's cheeks once again as they continued to kiss.

"What's so funny?" Mike scoffed, looking down at Will.

"Nothing. . ." Will murmured, a huge smile on his face.

"What? Tell me!" Mike whined.

"It's just- this is my first kiss. . . It feels nice." He admitted, his cheeks now bright red as he looked up at Mike.

"Seriously?" He asked, Will nodding softly, "Damn. . . You're a good kisser." He shrugged, Will giggling and pulling him back into a kiss.

A knock on the door made both of them jump, both of them sharing a quick look before Will told who ever was there to come in.

"Finally, Jesus Christ." Lucas scoffed, "We've all been waiting." He scowled as he rolled his eyes.

He went to open his mouth to say something before looking between the pair, noticing their bright red faces and how close they were.

". . .I'm not interrupting something am I?" He asked, a teasing smile on his face.

". . .No." Will murmured, his face even brighter then it was before.

"Good, now hurry up! We were all thinking of going out somewhere." Lucas scoffed.

"Okay? We'll be like, five minutes." Mike shrugged, Lucas nodding and giving Mike a sly wink before leaving.

"Ugh, he's so stupid." Mike murmured, his cheeks bright red.

"You're saying that as if you aren't." Will scoffed, getting up and grabbing his jacket.

"Excuse me!" Mike scoffed, "I am actually very smart. I got almost all A's on my GCSEs." Mike grinned.

"That's cute, I got all A's. Now let's go." Will grinned back, Mike scoffing and following him out of the door.

The two walked out and saw that everybody was already stood waiting to go, all of them glaringly at the pair.

"We have been waiting for like, ages! Now hurry up and come on." Max scoffed, quickly grabbing Will's arm and pulling him along.

Mike rolled his eyes and began walking with Dustin and Lucas, the three of them silent.

"So, Michael." Lucas began, Mike looking at him and noticing the smug smile on his face, "When I came in before I noticed you're bright red face. How close you were to Will. Have anything to say to that?" Lucas grinned, Mike glaring at him and rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off, I actually hate you." He scowled, giving Lucas a small push as his cheeks turned bright red.

"Oo, someone is embarrassed!" Dustin teased, "Let me guess, you had a little smooch?" He giggled.

"Both of you, shut up." Mike murmured, his face now completely red.

"My little Mike, growing up so fast!" Lucas pouted, pinching Mike's cheeks and giggling.

"Ugh, stop it! You're so weird!" Mike scowled, pushing Lucas off him and rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, we kissed, so what?" Mike scoffed, "At least I'm further then you, Lucas. I see you eyeing up Max." He scoffed.

"Excuse me! I'll have you know that I'm actually doing well, I asked her on a date and she said yes. We are going tomorrow." Lucas grinned.

"That poor girl." Mike scoffed, Lucas glaring at him and rolling his eyes.

"You are such a dick." Lucas scoffed, Dustin giggling at the pair.

"Whatever, where are we even going?" Mike asked them.

"No clue." Dustin shrugged.

"Neither." Lucas shrugged, Mike looking between the two and rolling his eyes, "Max just said that her and El wanted to go out somewhere so we are just letting them lead the way." Lucas told them.

Mike looked at the three in front of him, looking between El and Will and noticing how different they actually looked.

"I thought that twins were meant to be identical?" He asked.

"I hate you so much sometimes." Lucas murmured.

"Dude, not all twins are like, absolutely identical you know?" Lucas scoffed.

"Well, obviously, but like. . . Ugh, fuck off, whatever." Mike scowled.

Lucas and Dustin both let out a small laugh and shook their heads, the three of them going silent as they saw where they were.

"Max. Are you serious?" Will asked as he looked up to see a bar.

"Dude, you'll be fine! I promise! Now come on and actually have some fun." She giggled, grabbing his arm and dragging him inside.

"I hate you."

guys i have a question. should i make it like, henderhop cos i actually had a request to do that a while ago but idk its not really like a ship that i like. . . yall help pls

{Word Count: 863}

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