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My new apartment is 2km away from my dads apartment. My phone is ringing, "Who is calling me" I said to myself as I picked my phone from the drawer beside my bed. It was my mom Mrs. Ayra calling "Allen, how are you?" she said "I'm fine, I'm still here since you and dad decided to take an immature decision" I replied "watch your words" my mom said in an angry tone "I didn't mean to say that but it's the truth" I replied "you will not understand the amount of pain your dad is causing me, you wont understand the gravity of what he has done to me, I was even being considerate towards you by canceling the divorce, you have no idea of what I am going through" she said "I am sorry mom, I didn't mean it that way" I replied and she ended the call in a very annoying manner. I really didn't know what was going on but immediately she ended the call my eyes became watery and minutes later tears ran down my eyes, I was literally crying, I myself was shocked. My mom was a really kind-hearted person but she has turned really bitter and I want to know what is going on. I want to ask her but I have no idea on how I should approach her. I am confused and flabbergasted because I have never pictured my mom and dad living in separate houses. I know they are having a misunderstanding but it didn't sound that bad to me until now and I really dont know why but I feel my dad is at fault. I haven't been registered into any school since we left Italy to Nigeria. I went to my dads house to talk to him about my education. when I entered his house his gate was wide open I guess he forgot to close the gate, I knocked at his door and I got no reply I then pushed the door open to see if it was locked and it wasn't locked so I led myself in. I entered the living room and he wasn't there I then made my way upstairs to his room and I finally saw him "Good afternoon dad, how are you doing?" I said "I am fine and what brings you here?" he replied "Dad just because I dont live in the same house with you anymore, doesn't change the fact that you are still my father and I can come here any day and anytime" I said, my dad stood up from the cushion he was laying on in his room and gave me a dirty slap, "And just because i am your father and we dont live in the same house doesn't give you the guts and audacity to talk to me with no atom of respect because I paid and built the apartment you live in and if you aren't careful you will leave that apartment and live under mainland bridge" he replied "Dad" I said with anger and rage and walked out of his room. I went to the balcony upstairs and got a bottle of wine. I really dont know what is going on is this reality or am I dreaming cause I cant take this anymore., first my moms attitude towards me has changed and now my dad is questioning me on why I am in his house, does that even make sense. My dad then walked towards me and tapped me on my shoulder and said "We need to talk". We sat on the chairs in the balcony, I tried my best to avoid looking at his face and any physical contact while we sat down. "son I have always wanted to tell you something I have keeping from you and your mom for the past 4 years" he said "Does this have to do with the reason why mom filed for a divorce but later canceled it" I replied "Yes it has something to with it" he said, there was a sudden silence and I broke it by saying "Dad, I really hope its not what I am thinking" "Son, for the past 4 years I have been having an affair with a another woman aside from your mom and we got married secretly and we have 3 children" he said "Dad you had what, how on earth is that possible, my mom loved you with all her heart, how could you that, that's so unfair of you, you need to hear the way she spoke to me earlier, in such a bitter manner because of you dad, in Italy we were literally a big happy family, but look at us now, we just arrived not too long ago and in less than a month everything has already started changing, I finally understand that saying "change is constant", mom is bitter and depressed all because of you, if you knew that you weren't going to be faithful to your marriage vows you shouldn't have married mom, dad look for a way and make her better, look for a way and talk things out with her, if that's possible" I said as I walked out of the balcony and left his house and went home. At this point I am scared and terrified because is this really reality, my mom struggled to give birth me and it turns out that she cant give birth to any child after me, what hurts me the most is that I was meant to be a twin but my twin died her name was Khloe, she died a day after we were born, she died of brain tumor. Khloes death gave my mom high blood pressure and she is still recovering from her death, I wonder how my mom must be feeling right now. My life is just so fucked up and I have a lot on my mind. I wish we were still that perfect family everyone admired. I dont even know how my mom found out but my mom must be really sadistic at this point. I really want to speak to her, my dad doesn't even feel or look remorseful, I feel really heart broken and sad. If I were to be in my moms situation, I would have killed my self immediately cause I dont think I would be able to handle it. How on earth did he have a wife for 4 years under I and my moms nose, I am really drained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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