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"He's broken and it's all because of YOU!!"

(Warning: Sad Jacob)

Jacob stared at the waves of the ocean of LA Push Beach. He seemed to find himself doing that a lot lately, just sitting on the beach and staring at the sea. Eat, sleep, patrol, beach, and repeat.

Whenever he was at the beach he would do the same thing each time, nothing. Even with his friends, his pack he wouldn't do anything, not even think. He only sits with his emotions sometimes he thinks of what is bothering him but he tries not to do that often. It was better not to. Just let his emotions consume him. He felt ... empty.





He hated feeling this way but no matter how hard he tried, who he talked to, or what he did he couldn't shake these feelings. 

He didn't know how long he was out there, but it must have been hours when he heard someone walking to him. He didn't have to look at the person to know it was Sam, it was almost always Sam now. At some point, the others would come to get them but they stopped well Embry, Jared, and Quill still came but they were now coming less and less than before it was only a matter of time before they stopped too. Each visit was different, each person would tell him different things.

Leah and Paul were the first to stop both telling him that he needed to move on. That he was stupid to believe that Bella had actually loved him and wasn't using him to distract herself from the missing bloodsucker. That made him believe no one could love him, someone heard him say that out loud after one of their rants. This caused the entire pack to be mad at the two. Sam doubled their patrol for weeks and no one talked to them until they apologized.

Seth tried to cheer him up. He would tell him things that were happening at school or anything he thought was funny. He also would tell him about his imprint, which just made it worse. Jacob was the only one to not have imprinted. Even Leah had, although her attitude hasn't changed at all.

Rachel was the same but she stopped coming after an argument they had. She said it was pointless to be so hung up on Bella after all it was only a crush. He pointed out that in her Sophomore year, she became depressed after a guy who never looked at her twice rejected her. She swore it was different, that she had every right to feel that way but, if she could feel that way then why can't he now? But no matter how much he tried to point out the hypocrisy she wouldn't listen.

All four of them stopped coming for the same reason, they realized it was pointless but Sam for some reason hadn't given up even though the others who hadn't were beginning to. Standing up, he made his way with Sam to his house. Neither of them spoke, he was grateful Sam didn't push him to talk. He never did.

Opening the front door, he turned and nodded to Sam before closing the door behind him. He could hear his father greet him while Rachel was on the house phone. "He's broken and it's all because of YOU!!" He heard before the sound of the phone being slammed down. He knew who she was talking to, it was Bella. She was calling every day now, hoping to talk to him. But he didn't want to talk to her, he didn't want to talk to anyone and yet no one but Sam seemed to get that.

As he stared at his dad he decided in other to get better he would have to get away. So for one night, he pretended, he pretended to be back to his old self. He laughed, joked, and smiled with his family and pack. No one realized when he hugged them goodbye what he was planning, they assumed he had finally gotten over Bella that he was back to normal. 

It wasn't until the next morning when they found his room empty with only a note saying not to look for him did the realize. 

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