Chapter Two: Breakfast and The Voices

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Lazy kisses were good kisses. Lazy kisses after mind-blowing back-blowing sex were even better. What would make it the greatest though? Not having to leave in a hurry because someone broke the motel bed. This is why they are now parked on the edge of a forest, lying in the backseat of their car that Jake fixed from Bobby's many cars along with the other cars that they claimed that were in the bunker. They have a car that they share, their cars, and Jake's motorcycle. The rest of the vehicles were at the Bunker. They couldn't take Dean's Baby for multiple reasons: 

1) they would be away from Dean for days to weeks at a time. Which was waaaay too long for Dean.

2) They both eat in cars and are messy eaters according to Dean.

3) They both change the music, neither wanting to hear Dean's music constantly. Only occasionally. 

4) Dean does not trust them. He has caught her riding Jacob, Jacob on top of her, and other things too many times, some of which he said he didn't think was possible to do in a car plus he didn't want to see or even hear his sister having sex at all. 

They were now not allowed to sit next to each other in the backseat of Baby. But that was on Jacob, who if asked will blame Henrietta for wearing a skirt that day.

Grinning Jacob kissed down her neck while pulling on Henrietta's top only for her to gently push herself off of him. "Horny bastard." She mumbled to herself with a smirk at his pout. "We just had three rounds." She reminded him. "We can go three more," He responded cheekily, laughing when she playfully slapped his chest. 

"How about you walk around in your wolf form while I go get breakfast for us?" Henrietta suggested as she sat up more while fixing her top. "I already ate breakfast." Jacob reminded her. "You eating me out twice does not count as breakfast." Henrietta huffed. 

"Fine, then sex after?" Jake suggested with a smirk while sitting up so that he was face to face with her. Cheering when she nodded. "Kiss to seal the deal." She smiled softly before giving him a soft and loving kiss. Whenever they made a deal, they gave a kiss to seal it. 

Pulling apart, Jake gave her one more kiss before getting out of the car. "Be careful!" He called out to her as she drove away. He knew she could take care of herself but he still wanted her to be safe. Walking into the forest, he made a good distance before undressing and shifting into his wolf form. It was peaceful, he was content in both forms. If there was a way for Henrietta to be a wolf like him as well, he would be even happier. Maybe he should ask Rowena? She did owe him a favor.

- Twenty minutes later -

'Henrietta should be back by now.' Jacob thought as he started to make his way back to the edge of the forest.

I Told you I didn't need help ripping that leach apart.

Jake stopped walking before looking around. He could have sworn he heard someone just then. But that was impossible, there was no one around him. 

Don't get cocky Paul.

There it was again! Only this time it was someone else. This was the first time he had heard voices in his head. Sitting down he watched his surroundings while debating whether he should say something. There has to be a reason he was connected to them. 

Cocky? Who's cocky?!

If anyone's cocky here it's Embry.


"Uh ... hello?"

The voices stopped talking before they started talking at once, including more that he didn't know were there before one of the earlier voices spoke the loudest. 

Wait everyone shut up! Jake? JAKE IS THAT YOU?!

"Yes?"  Jake responded hesitatingly, it sounded as if the voice knew him but he couldn't remember who it was. He didn't want to give them false hopes but wanted answers about who he was, what he was, and whether he would hurt Henrietta at some point. Sam's research only answered so many of his questions and they were still unsure which legend he came from. 

Where are you?

Where have you been?!

Jake! It's good to hear from you!

We missed you, man!

Jake grew quiet as he listened to the voices before he finally asked them. "Wh-who are you all?" It was quiet for a while before someone spoke. 

What do you mean who are we? 

It's us!

We're your friends Jake!

He's finally gone crazy.

Shut up, Leah!

SHUT UP! Jake and only Jacob! What did you mean? Why did you ask who we are?

"Because I don't know who you are. I don't remember any of you." He told them honestly, it grew quiet again before everyone spoke at once again. After a while he got a headache so he changed back into his human form, sighing in relief when the voices stopped. Getting dressed, he walked to Henrietta with a tired smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" Henrietta asked with a frown as she took out the food for them both. Jacob sighed and told her everything that happened in the forest. 

- In La Push - 

The pack was still in shock from what was just revealed to them. They wondered why Jacob was taking so long to come home but a part of them just assumed that it was because he couldn't get over Bella but now they knew that wasn't the case. 

He has to be in town. Embry go tell Billy everything! The rest of us will look for him! 

Sam ordered before he took off in a direction hoping to pick up Jacob's scent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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