Chapter 14

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Prisoners of Circumstance – Chapter 14

Guy reluctantly rose from the tousled sheets. After the hurried lovemaking in the bathtub, they had barely dried before they had repeated the act on the bed, this time in a slower exploration of each other. Marian was every inch the passionate woman he had imagined her to be in his fevered thoughts. He felt such a deep seated happiness that he wanted to shout it out for all to hear. The only thing blighting this new existence was his Lord Sheriff, like a black cloud obscuring the sun.

 Guy glanced again at Marian as he dressed himself. Her mouth curved in her sleep. He hoped if she were dreaming that they were pleasant dreams. She turned over and the sheet slipped from her shoulders to reveal her curves. Guy felt himself respond to her beauty, he gloried in it and was afraid at the same time. He knew only too well how transient and frail true happiness could be. If someone had told him he could be this content a week ago, he would have thought them run mad.

 “Guy?”  Marian murmured sleepily. Her blue eyes opened and she smiled at him.

The love he saw in her face took his breath away and he cursed the fact that he would soon be expected in the great hall.

“I have to go now. We both know that I am not so vital to the sheriff, that he would replace me in a heartbeat. If you had not saved me from being drowned by Hood that day, we would not be here now.”

“About that…I”

“Marian you do not need to explain, I know it was not just for me that I was saved, but for him too. As you know, I suspected as much at the time.” He sighed.

Marian wrapped the sheet around her and got up from the bed. She claimed his broadsword and scabbard from the floor where he had left it in the early hours of this morning. Marian walked over to him and belted it round his waist, resting her hands on his hips. He was so tall that she had to reach up on tiptoe to kiss him, but it was one of the many things she found beautiful about him.

“My future lies with you, do not ever doubt that. I am not a woman to do things by halves, I hope you know that.”

“I am starting to. Give me time Marian, one day I will be able to say his name and not feel jealousy that he had your heart first.”

“He did…once, but it was the heart of a young girl. I will always care for him Guy.”  Marian watched as Guy’s face darkened. “But it is not he who owns my heart now that is and will always be yours.”

Guy smiled. It reached to his eyes, not the cold joyless smiles she had seen him give so often, but one with genuine warmth and feeling.

“I have to go.” Guy raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. He looked down at her fingers. “You still have no ring. I will remedy that. I want everyone to know you are taken.”

“I have been and very thoroughly…several times.” Marian blushed as she said the words, but smiled at her husband mischievously.

“While I am gone, pack your things. There is no longer any need for us to remain at the castle. I have not been back to Locksley for a number of days. I will leave the carriage at your disposal and see you back at the manor house this evening.”

Guy did not add that he would feel safer without them both being under the watchful gaze of the sheriff and that he was worried for her safety here in this place. If anything happened to Marian, he was not sure he would want to continue living without her. She was the only thing that made this existence more bearable and had done for a long time.

Marian nodded at his request, but was secretly surprised that she did not feel distressed at the idea of going to live in Robin’s former home. Although, she was not so sure Robin would be so pleased when he found out. Guy kissed her once more and then he was gone, she lamented his leaving already. Marian opened the window. It was another fine day.  White clouds dotted among the blue, and a gentle breeze brushed her face. It felt wonderful to be alive. She looked up to the heavens again, thoughts of her father in her mind. She liked to think wherever he was, he was with her mother and they watched her and hopefully she made them proud.

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