- blessings on those kids of the elite!-

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[Interior, Maison, Afternoon]

“Woooooaaaa!” Kei’s scream echoed through the Maison.

“Who the hell is making this much noise!?” Kazuma yelled, sitting up from his attempted nap. “I can’t even take a nap in my own home!”

Hirata rushed in, looking concerned. “What’s going on?”

“It seems like it’s Karuizawa voice—and—” Ayanokoji began, but his thought was cut off by a loud scream.

“Kyyyaaaahhhhhh!!!” Horikita’s voice rang out.

“Who dares to interrupt me? I was in the middle of my speech!” Megumin exclaimed, entering the room dramatically.

“Whoever he is, he better apologize right now to her!” Ike shouted.

“I am sorry that your cool speech was interrupted, my master,” Sudo said apologetically.

" I suppose, we have to stop- such a shame we were only getting to the good part"

“We hope you could share your knowledge with us some other time, until we figure this problem out,” Ike added respectfully.

“Okay!” Megumin relented. “But be ready! As a member of the Crimson Demon Clan, I can’t let you enter my bloodline without passing down my knowledge first!”

Sudo, Ike, and the rest of the explosion fan club bowed down in admiration.

“Hmph!” Megumin said, satisfied.

“What’s going on? We heard a loud noise,” Satou asked, arriving with Mii-chan.

“Is everything… okay?” Mii-chan added nervously.

“We heard a loud noise as well,” Hirata said, looking around.

“Those boys really are sharp… Just as I stepped out of the shower room, they were ready to strike in—” Darkness began with a sigh.

“You’re the one who left the note saying it was empty on purpose!” Yukimura retorted, exasperated.

Darkness’s eyes twinkled. “His eyes were scanning me from bottom to top… He’s a beast… not as much as Kazuma, though.”

“Don’t get me in the same boat as him!” Yukimura protested.

“What do you mean!?” Kazuma demanded, irritated.

“…” Sudo stood silently, unsure how to respond.

“I’m going outside! I’m gonna buy more drinks for tonight! Thanks for the money, Kazuma!” Aqua announced cheerfully as she shut the door behind her.

“Hey! Wait! That’s my money, you stupid goddess!” Kazuma shouted after her.

Ayanokoji’s curiosity was piqued. “so
Aqua is a Goddess?”

“Ah, right—that’s what that… thing calls itself,” Kazuma grumbled.

“So, she’s crazy?” Ayanokoji mused quietly.

“Woooooaaaa!” Kei’s voice cut through the room again.

“Karizawa-san!” Satou exclaimed, running towards the noise.

“Heyyy!! Why do I look like this!?” Kei wailed, appearing in the doorway looking quite different.

“What do you mean?” Hirata, Ayanokoji, and Satou asked in unison, eyes widening.

[Interior, Wiz’s Shop]

“It’s because I went after Horikita yesterday to stop her from chasing Kazuma outside, but because he’s actually in here—” Kei began explaining, looking distraught.

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