Relief (price)

632 11 5

A/n- y'all my toes curled writing this 😭

Tw- suggestive asf and spicy (NOT SMUT) , don't worry people

It's been a long day , you weren't one to really get out nor really leave base whatsoever. Mostly keeping to yourself like ghost but you were snippy some days but you joked around and mostly tended to be a goof but you didn't like when some people got close. letting anyone get close to you was a rare thing but there was a certain captain who knew how to turn your feistiness around a bit.You currently stood in your room pacing around feeling frustrated and annoyed as well as anxious and all of the above due to the stress from last mission. You paced like a dog in a cage , going back and forth back and forth not letting up as you shook your head , biting your nails as you did so. You couldn't even hear the knock on your door as your thoughts were clouded with all different sorts of emotions and thoughts that soon a voice came up breaking you from your mind.

Price came from behind the door as he listened in.
"You there?...."
He muttered as he went and turned the knob of your door walking into your room. As you saw him walk into your too you glared at him and he Eyes you.
"Y'know you oughta get out of the glare habit sweetheart."
He murmurs as he steps close to you.
"Oh piss off."
You growled as you were being a bit snippy , it was one of those days and he takes yet another step forward and grabbed your hand gently as he stopped you from pacing.
"You say that, but I think I know exactly what you have going on, sweetheart."
He responds in that same calm tone as he always did, staring down at you.Price then gently pinned you up against the wall , his broad frame towering over you as His hand moved down and  lingered on your hips, his touch firm yet gentle. He leaned in close his breath warm against your skin as he spoke in a low soothing tone.
"I know you're stressed luv"
he murmured.
"Trust me, I feel it too. But that's why I'm here...make you feel better."
He added as he looked down at you.

"Fucking bullshit I'm fine.."
You grumbled.
Price chuckled again, his grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly.
"You can keep telling yourself that all you want"
he replied as his tone was one of an amused one.
"But we both know that's bullshit."
He leaned in even closer, his lips nearly brushing against your ear as he continued.
"You've been wound tighter than a spring lately. Always ready to snap at the slightest provocation. So don't tell me you're fine when we both know that's a lie."
He adds.
".....just stressing for fuck sakes.."
You gave in.
Price nodded , his eyes searching your face for any sign of tension between you and him.
"I know you are luv but you don't have to carry it all on your own, y'know? You have me, and the rest of the 141. We're a team remember?"
He paused for a moment before continuing in a huskier tone as his fingers were tracing small circles against the fabric of your shirt.
"And I know a few ways to help you relax a bit.."
He smirked at you but you didn't answer.

Price watched you quietly as you remained silent though , his eyes never leaving your face. He could almost see the wheels turning in your head as you were weighing your options. Finally he spoke again after a moment , his voice low and soft with you as always.
"You don't have to hold it all in. I know you're a tough one, and I respect that but it's okay to let go sometimes, to relax and just be yourself."
He stepped even closer, his body pressing against yours pinning you more against the wall.
His knee being placed and pressed between your legs , letting your legs spread apart a bit as he kept his knee placed firmly between your legs as you looked up at him. You reluctantly gave in for a moment as you made room for him spreading them a bit further.

Price smirked as he felt your legs part and he kept his knee firmly planted between them. His gaze darkened as he looked down at you, his hands still holding onto your hips.He shifted his leg slightly applying just enough pressure to keep you in place.
"That's it luv"
he murmured.
"Let go, just for a moment. Let yourself feel something other than stress."
He pressed even closer, his chest now touching yours, his lips hovering just above your neck. He leaned down further letting his lips trail down to your collarbone , leaving small wet marks as he began to  lick and suck at it. his lips finding your neck again as he trailed up He started to place soft lingering kisses along your jawline before moving lower to your neck again.
"You taste so good luv."
he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "Just let me take care of you for a moment."
He bit down gently, his teeth nibbling at your flesh before he began to suck and nip at the spot making sure to leave a mark. Making sure to leave his mark.
"Fuckin hell....."
You moaned a bit as you pressed into him further letting your arms wrap around his neck as he trailed up again , his lips soon finding yours letting them slip and crash against yours.
You murmur as your snippy and stressed out additude started to creep off.

Price smirked against your lips at the sound of your pleading voice.
"Please what luv?"
he murmured back to you, his hands roaming over your body as He began to kiss you more passionately, his lips moving against yours hungrily as His tongue flicked over your lower lip, seeking entrance to your mouth before He nibbled and sucked at your bottom lip, his knee pressing slightly harder between your legs up against your core, keeping you in place causing you to let off a small whine.
"There's my darling....the one who crumbles at any small touch I give her. Putting up that big tough attitude only to be broken by a kiss."
He spoke as His hands were slowly moving up to your face , now cupping your cheeks befor moving back to your hips.

"Shit you make me feel things I shouldn't..."
You grumbled.
He smirked as his grip on your hips tightening at your words.
"I'll make you feel so good"
he promised darkly.
He leaned in even closer, his body now fully pressed against yours. His lips found your neck again, his teeth grazing over your pulse point before he began to nibble and suck at the sensitive skin as His knee continued to apply pressure between your legs, adding just the right amount of friction to make you squirm. You tried so hard to move , so hard to get that now building feeling of desire to get out, to be satisfied and dealt with. That growing tingle feeling between your legs not giving up to no avail as a hot tingly feeling washed over your body.

Prices hand trailing down now to the hem of your cargos , pulling them down a bit as he allowed his free hand to slip in and pull at the hem of your underwear , the change in temp causing you to shiver and groan. Price chuckled against your neck at the sound of your growing want.
"That's it. Let me hear you"
he murmured, his voice huskier than ever.
His lips continued to trail over your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys in their wake. His knee applied even more pressure between your legs, causing the friction to increase just enough to make you gasp.One of his arms wrapped around your waist now pulling you impossibly close as the other skimmed over your thigh as he picked up you
"Fuck I'm pretty sure this whole damn base will here us tonight.."
You muttered as things got heated further n's he smirked down at you.

"I'll make sure of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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