Chapter Three

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I hope he figures it out soon, Silverstream thought after he left.

The next morning.

   Hearts and Hooves day was over and school was back in session. She sat through the boring lecture of the month and eagerly learned what the other classes taught.

   She bounded into Professer Applejack's class of buckball. She was in the middle of the yard passing the ball, Smolder who was guarding the basket, sprang it to the earth pony next to Silverstream who tossed it to Gallus.

   This went on a few more times. But as the ball flew to Gallus, Silverstream gasped as he misjudged where it was heading and it smacked hard into him.

   He roared in pain and fell to the ground suddenly. He landed with his leg twisted wrong. She ran twords him. "Gallus!" she screeched. He was laying there, his paw twisted painfully. Silverstream had never seen him in pain before. He groaned.

   She examined his leg. The blue fur wasn't torn but his paw was awfully still and turned around, his paw pads were swollen and turning pink. He screeched when she touched it. It must be broken! she thought.

   Their other friends were there too, giving gasps of shock and worry. Head Mare Starlight was moving through, ordering them back. "Everycreature, back!" she ordered. She examined Gallus.

   He was groaning painfully looking at his leg. "I-is it b-broken?" he asked painfully and shakily. Starlight touched his paw carefully. He gasped in pain.

   "I do not know,"he told him. "Nurse Redheart will be the judge of that." Silverstream looked at the miserable griffen.

   A white pony with a pink mane came rushing over and examined him herself. "Will he be okay?!" Silverstream screeched at the nurse.

   "His leg is broken but other then that he will be fine," Redheart told her. Their other friends came over to Silverstream and comforted her. Nurse Redheart and her companions came and helped Gallus to the medic.

   Ocelles came over to Silverstream. "He'll be okay, Gallus always comes through for us."

   Silverstream felt a tear run down her face, but how much pain Gallus was in made Silverstream shutter. . .she never wanted to see that again. . . but the image flashed in her mind over and over.

   He HAS to be okay. His paw HAS to heal. She would make sure she visited him later. She looked up to see the earth-pony who had thrown the ball run around a bend and disappear.

3 hours later

   She was with her friends walking to the medic later that day. "I still can't believe that happened," Smolder breathed.

"Yeaa, that was so not cool what that other pony did," Sandbar said.

   Yona growled. "Yes! Pony better be sorry they did that to griffon!"

   Silverstream wasn't listening, she was just flooded with worry. "I don't want to talk about it you guys." Silverstream told them.

   Smolder walked over to her. "Okay Silver," She said staying close to her best friend.

   They got there and asked the pony at the desk. They came into the room. Gallus was there, siting there alone with his bandaged leg being held in the air by a sling.

   "Oh, hey guys," He said unenthusiastically.

   Silverstream gasped in relief and ran up to him. She hugged him happily. "Oh thank Nova your okay!"

   Gallus looked surprised then gasped in pain. The ball had hit him right where she had hugged him. "Oh s-sorry." She chuckled softly. The others came over and greeted him warmly.

   "You okay Gallus?" Sandbar asked.

   Gallus snorted. "Well my paw's broken but other than that, yeah," he said sarcastically.

   Ocellus chortled. "Well at least that's good. Silverstream has been really upset ever since."

   Silverstream widened her eyes. "Uh...heh heh," she chuckled, blushing. Gallus did the same.

   They all glanced at each other then Yona, Smolder, Sandbar, and Ocelles started giving amused smirks at the two.

Gallus POV

   It all made sense to him now! He knew who brought him that letter! And he knew what that different feeling was! his leg throbbed painfully but he ignored it, his eyes fixing to Silverstream.

Silverstream POV

   "Well, we should get going back to the school," she told him. She glared at her friends as she started to walk away. They all said goodbye and left back to the school.

   "So your the one who gave Gallus that crush letter didn't you?!" Smolder gasped.

   Silverstream blushed. "Y-yeah, it was me," she said shyly.

   "Ooooh Silverstream has a crush!" she growled to the others.

   "You got to tell Gallus next time!" Ocellus said.

   Silverstream gasped. "Oh no! I couldn't tell him how I feel! What if he doesn't like me back?!" she hissed hiding behind her wings.

   "Oh come'on!" Sandbar nickered. "It's not that hard! I just told Yona straight up!"

   "Well I'm not you Sandbar!" she exclaimed angrily. She then ran ahead.

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