stereotype ii: welcome back jung jae-i and ji jae-yun

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𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐎 𝐉𝐈𝐍 saw the text that Hera sent to the group chat. Feeling giddy as jae-i was home meaning Jaeyun would be there to greet her. They met at the race track Hera and Woo Jin were they first waiting for the other three. Hearing the sound heels on the ground the two turn to see Jaeyun and behind her Jae-i, woo jin smiled as Hera her two female friends.

"Jaeyunnie, Jae-i we missed you!" Hera squealed happily as Woo Jin hugged Jae-i "This is a fashion statement" Jae-i smiled before looking at Jaeyun who was looking around not wanting to lock eyes with the boy. Jae-i pushed Jaeyun towards Woo Jin giving a light smile. "Say hi, jaeyun".

Jaeyun finally looked at the two with a slight smile. "Hi hearts...hi woo jin" Hera immediately pulled her into a tight hug. "I thought you were mad at us but you aren't! I'm glad"

Detaching from that hug she looked at the two she seen the awkward faces of Woo Jin and Hera. She looked back seeing Ri-An. She waved at him but he was only looking at Jae-i."What happened that night?" He questioned Jae-i  at the same time Woo Jin started to question Jaeyun.

"You still didn't respond to my questions" she looked away before looking back as his hand gently turned towards him. "What happened at the party?" She suddenly got defensive. She was always was like this when someone mentions the horrible event. "Nothing back off Lee Woo Jin" she gave him a deadly glare. Hera felt like a fifth wheel on a car. "Hera...I'm going to play a game" jae-i suddenly said to Hera.

"A game? Like what?" Hera asked confused as the other three. "The winner gets  their wish granted" she looked to Ri-An who was determined to get her to speak about what happened between them. "What kind of wish?" Woo Jin decided to ask "You'll find out" was all Jae-i said as the glare from Ri-An continued. "Three laps. When I win, that's it" Jaeyun was confused. What did she mean that's it? Their relationship? Their friendship? Ri-An accepted the challenge with his own twist Jaeyun just stared at the couple.

What had happen to them to make their relationship strained like this? As she was in her thoughts she was pulled by Woo Jin off the track. "Oh" she mumbled flustered, her heart did jumping jacks as his hand was in hers but she ignored it her hand was on her necklace. They were driving recklessly speeding so one of them could win.

She didn't think it would turn out great for either of them. She right it wouldn't turn out great for either of them. Dust got onto her clothes as the two sped past them. "What the hell! Are they crazy!" She hissed in frustration. The three waited on who was victorious and it was Jae-i not to Jaeyun's she was driving reckless that she served him off the track causing her victory.

"What's happening to them?" She muttered in confusion Woo Jin signaled Hera and Jaeyun "Hera. Yunnie. Let's get going" she nodded turning from the now ex-couple as Hera questioned what had happened when Jae-i was in the states Woo Jin questioned why Jaeyun won't tell him anything. Why was he getting shutting out?

𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒  a school day Jaeyun walked the the school head held high as she now had little minions behind her

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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒  a school day Jaeyun walked the the school head held high as she now had little minions behind her. She walked into her homeroom already wanting to go home. "Sunshine." A low cheery voice was heard by Jaeyun. She sighed softly but can't seem to be able to control her emotions.

"Hi LeeHan" she turned back seeing her smiley childhood friend. "Did you just come back from Milan?" He nodded telling her about when she left he explored more into the world for a while until he had to leave to come back home. She told him about her time alone there over the summer and someone who was by her ease dropping into their conversation. As they were talking the Ms. Han walked into the room. Her eyes lingered towards the students but mostly Jaeyun and suspiciously Woo Jin.

Her necklace charm is what distracted her as she was getting pulled towards the field. "Ji Jaeyun! You wanna know how to throw a ball?" Yunseok yelled towards her. Oh how she wanted to get out this situation but couldn't. She shook her head a little bit but he laughed. "When I say go you're going to throw the football to me" she nodded mostly in fear. Her watched her with amusement. "He does know that she doesn't know what a football is right?" Ryu Ba-da pointed to Yunseok who was trying to give a pep talk about how to throw the ball.

"Forget that does be not know that she has not throwing bone in her body" Gil Ye-Ji said to the group as she (Jaeyun) threw the ball towards Yunseok which thankfully he caught giving her an ego boost. She gasped putting her hands over her mouth with shock before she shrieked. Before clapping, she actually threw a ball, no one would have guessed it that she knew how to throw a ball.

She cheered herself as her friend group smiled at her silliness. "She's starting to be her old self again. Can't you see it" Hera smiled pointing at Yunseok giving a small hug to her as she jogged back to her spot ready to try to catch the ball this time. "Woo Jin you should invite Jaeyunnie to the party" he looked over to Hera as she continued before he could speak.

"Tell her it's a celebration for a new transfer. She'll show up, trust me" Hera said before looking back at the other two. "How do you know?" He asked looking back at Jaeyun who caught the ball with a big smile plastered on her face. "Because how do you think she went to all the other parties...?"

After practice was over Woo Jin texted Jaeyun to met him in the boys locker room. "You wanted to see me Mr. Lee?" Her soft voice sounded so sweet to his ears. "There's a thing...happening for the new kid. We wanted to make him feel special so we planned something for him." He pauses looking at the face of the most beautiful woman on earth in his. "I was wondering if you would come?"

"Sure. Only for the new kid, to make him feel welcome" she ruffled his hair before walking out of the boy's locker room.


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