Chapter 10 - I'm not into Vore!

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Written June 12, 2024.

Authors Note: Happy Birthday to me! I'm 26 now!

- Train POV -

Rui using one hand delicately picks up the passengers with his webs, placing them all in one car. While the other hands webs slices the tentacles that begun to emerge to bits, Nezuko finally burns the ropes tying the slayers to the children.

The child she healed is hiding behind the demon boy while he defends the passengers. "Haha!" Rengoku opens his eyes and sees he's holding a child within a chokehold. Dropping the little girl to the floor, the little boy rushes to her. Grabbing her arm to stop her from harming him.

"Wait Suko!" Grabbing the knife from her hand he tosses it away.

"You idio... What the..." She looks at her friend with wide eyes, seeing that he's more healthy now. "How.."

"Kami-sama saved me! She will save us too! We gotta help her save the people Suko!" The little girl stares at her friend before nodding, willing to believe him.. after all he was the sickest out of all of them.

"Demon child, where is Barnes?" Rengoku steps up and looks to the spider boy who is concentrating on slicing up the tentacles.

"Onee-san went after the demon, she told me to keep everyone safe." Rui says while looking at the Hashira.

"Eh?!!? Where's my mate!?" Inosuke wakes up with a red tick mark on his head, having been crushed by a boulder in his sleep. He was having the best dream of him and his mate foraging for food like boars. The little boy and girl rush over to the child who woke up as well and begin to explain.

"I was having such a good dream!!! Kira-chan and me were playing with our twenty kids!!!" Zenitsu cries out with tears and snot running down his face. Tanjiro wakes a moment later with a gasp.

"Whats-" Tanjiro looks around for Kira, they were having dinner with his family-

"Tanjiro! Go after Kira while me, the boys and the demons protect the citizens!" Rengoku says while unsheathing his blade and making quick work of the tentacles.

"Huh? H-Hai Rengoku-san!" Tanjiro nods and gets up with his sword, sprinting through the tentacles and slicing his way through to get to Kira. Not wanting her to be alone with this demon.. even if she wants to save it.

- Kira POV -

Dashing forward with a glare of determination, I grip onto my blade tightly. Enmu smiles and holds his hand out, activating his blood demon art. "Sleep." The mouth on his hand screams out, my eyes flutter shit and I fall unconscious.

Appearing back in my house I huff out in irritation, grabbing a pair of scissors I use for cutting yarn, I end myself quickly. Appearing back on the train having barely moved a centimeter. "YOU DON'T REALIZE HOW SUICIDAL I AM MOTHER FUCKER!!" I roar while sprint towards him full speed, deciding to end this fucker. And make it hurt. "Dragon Breathing 1st Form - Alduin!" Slicing off all his limbs bit by bit before finishing it off by slicing his neck with a grunt. Even though my blade is heavy, it moves through the air like a hot knife through Styrofoam.

Enmu's eyes are wide with astonishment, having never seen my blade even move before he was in pieces. "My my.. you are strong.." he says with a smile he reforms his fake body easily, it regrows and he stands tall.

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