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I'm annoyed. No surprise there since it happens pretty often at North Shore High School (yeah, yeah Mean Girl reference.)

See I'm not annoyed for any particular reason. I walked into school took one look at the greasy, overly makeuped faces of the teenagers there and sighed really loudly. Really loudly.

"Zahara? Z?" Called Madeaeline Waser from down the hall as she prounced( Yes,prounced) over to me.. What kind of parents give their child a name with unnecessary letters ,it just pisses me off.

Anyways upon hearing Madeaeline's voice I took another huge sigh and spun on my heel. "Yes your majesty?" I responded taking a short curtsy before sneering at that she witch with every ounce of evil my face could muster. Your probably thinking, You idiot Z why would you tempt your bully? I was thinking the exact same thing. But you'll soon learn I do not think before I say never have never will.

"Thank you for addressing me by my proper name."

"You realize that was sarcasm Madea?" I questioned looking at the dumb brunette with what I prayed was a condescending look.

"Don't call me Madea." She answered curtly, frustrated by the nickname.

Smirking slightly at the power the name held over her I continued.
"How's Axel?" I inquired further referring to her on again off again relationship with the schools resident golden boy. Who wasn't very golden at all. Thanks to the schools gossip column I was aware that they were off again probably due to Axel inability to be faithful to anyone. Judging by the deep rooted scowl on her face I guessed right.

"He's fine." She answered before going silent for a minute then developing her signature snake like smirk which usually meant a low blow was arising in her twisted she-demon like mind. "Anyway half breed, how's life for you?" As much as I had prepared myself for the blow I was not ready for her to bring my parents into things so early on. "And your parents?Still making Oreos?"

I lunged. Fast and swiftly. Right at her beautiful eyes. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT AN UNBORN BABY!" I screamed as I grappled with her.

"Eew, get the dog off of me!!" Screamed a petrified Madealine. Of course no one came to her aid. The boys to busy screaming "CATFIGHT!!" And the girls had just spent hours doing their makeup.

"Hey! Stop." called a very attractive male voice behind me. All of sudden I was being grabbed by the waist and dragged away from Madealine. Kicking and screaming the whole time.

Have you ever been lifted and thrown over someone's shoulders? Don't, it hurts. After what felt like a 1000 miles Mr. Sexy dropped me and I finally got a look at him..

"Axel?" I asked dumbfounded by the idea that the school's most famous soul had actually touched me.

"What was that back there, Zahara?"

"You know my name?" I inquired again still awestruck. Rolling his eyes Axel responded

"You can't just go off on people at any time! That's my girl.."

As Axel continued rambling on my blood began to boil further and attempting to not have another fight like that I cut him off.

"Look I'm sorry I went off but not because of Madeaeline . She's an ungrateful she-demon that thinks just because she's not calling me the n word she isn't being racist. Callling me a dog I could take. Call me an Oreo, halfbreed whatever you feel like but don't talk about those I love."

Stepping up to him aware of all the eyes in the hallway watching me I said.

"I'm unapologetically horrible when it comes to my family. Don't talk about me like you know me pretty boy. 'Cause you don't."

As I turned on my heel to walk away to first period I heard an unusually raspy voice say. "Zahara Jacobsen please report to Principal Waser's office.

Groaning I set off to my no doubt untimely death.

I'm Zahara Talisha Jacobsen and my life sucks butt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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