Jules (past)

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Love Story-- Taylor Swift
Colton Astor caught my attention the day I first met him in middle school. My teenage years were rough. My parents had divorced and built families with their loved ones and were left alone to be treated like an unwanted pest they had to take turns babysitting.

Middle school didn't help much either. I had no friends because let's be real, girls that age were stuck-up bitches who loved to put others down to feel better about themselves.

While kids my age were too shy to speak in public and lived in their bubbles, I on the other hand took out all my frustrations through debating competitions. And as fate would have it, that's how I met Cole, another lonely soul looking for refuge. My homeroom teacher had paired us both to represent the school in a debate competition.

It was a bad day, I had spent the entire day trying to ignore the nasty comments made by Heather B, while without bothering to change from my sweaty gym clothes I made my way to the staff room. That's where I saw a tall raven-haired boy standing next to the teacher's table.

The boy looked at me startled then a small smile formed on his lips his black eyes shining brightly almost blinding me with light. Surprised to find another presence besides my usual English teacher, my body flushed with embarrassment as I assessed my attire.

I don't remember what my teacher said that day, either because it has been more than a decade since that day or because I was too focused on the new variable that just entered the equation of my life.

"Do you want to come to my house today?" He asked.


"So that we can select the topic and start writing our speech"

Oh. Of course. The speech.
What else would he be talking about you idiot?

"Sure, when?" I replied

"I have basketball practice till 7 today so how about I come to pick you up at 7:30?"

"There's no need to pick me up, just tell me your address and I'll meet you there."

He made a face but didn't push the issue just started to walk in another direction. I followed him of course.

"Tell me your name and phone number at least!" I exclaimed

He looked at me with his huge eyes and smiled brightly before taking out his phone and handing it over to me and said,
"Put your number in and I'll text you the address. As for my name, you should have paid a little more attention when the teacher was talking to you, princess."
I took his phone and typed in my number absentmindedly. Still not over the fact that he called me by a nickname. Whether it was a term of endearment or him simply mocking me, I didn't understand at that moment and frankly I didn't care either. I was busy fighting back tears that somebody joked with me. I had never in my life had somebody talk to me on their own accord much less joke with me.

I don't think I was attracted to him from the first time I saw him, I mean why would I? He was a guy with a face full of acne and a scratchy voice that looked like it hurt him just to speak. But there was an interest there for sure. That was the start of my never-ending love for that man. For someone being ignored their whole life getting even a little attention from someone felt like a lifeline at the time. Little did I know then, that just as Cole had been my reason to breathe at that time, I was the reason he survived his nightmares too. Something I realise after spending hours reminiscing about our past together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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