21. Blood loss

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Adri wake up.
Adrianna wake up!
"Slaps face"
Adri please...Adrianna wake up please.

(20 minutes later.)

What happened to her?

She's been stabbed multiple times.

Call a doctor!

(3 minutes later)

What happened?

She's been stabbed multiple time doctor.
The blood is dripping from the jacket around her stomach.
She's not reacting.
She's taking slow and small breaths.
Heart still beating but slowly.

Take her to a room and stop the bleeding now!

Yes doctor.


Tom P.O.V

I brought Adri into the hospital yesterday. She's been better now. She lost too much blood. The doctors said that they are surprised she was still alive when I brought her in. Right now, she's sleeping. They said she could wake up at any time now.

Adrianna P.O.V

Somehow, I was in my room. But my room was... oh gosh... my room was covered in blood. I ran out of my room, but when I got out, I saw that the house was full of blood. That fucking blood was everywhere. I ran down the stairs and... and saw my mom laying on the floor... dead. Her legs and hands weren't attached to her body anymore. I tried to scream and move, but I couldn't. I couldn't move; I could only watch her bloody dead body. Then I heard a gunshot. I could finally move again. I turned around and saw my dad falling down to the floor. Then someone stepped out from the kitchen. It... it was me. I killed my own mother and father. As I looked at myself, I could see a smile on my face.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I asked myself, tears rolling down my face.

"Made my life easier," she said with an evil smile.

"No... no no no... NO!" I screamed.

"Oh yes." she said, chuckling evilly. Then she held the gun against her head.

"Don't do it... please." I said quietly, tears running down my face.

"It's too late..." she said, then shot herself.

Suddenly, I was in a room. But it wasn't a room. Everything was pitch black. I looked around, then started walking around. "Hello?" I asked, my voice echoing. "Is anyone here?" I asked again. Nothing. Then suddenly, I felt pain in my chest, then again and again.

Her heart is beating again.

I heard a voice, a woman.

She will be okay now. Her heart is beating again.

The woman's voice again.

I thought she'll die... uhh...

Then suddenly, I heard Tom's voice. I sighed in relief when I heard his voice. Then suddenly, I was in my room again. But this time, everything was normal. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs. I saw my dad in the living room, watching TV. I sighed in relief that he was okay. Then I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking dinner. Again, I sighed in relief, then walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. I opened it and saw my older brother outside, playing soccer with his friends. I walked out of the house, closed the front door behind me.

"You wanna play, Adri?" asked my older brother.

"Hell yeah." I said and walked over to them and started playing with them. Everything seemed normal. As if the things I went through over these three months never happened. This was weird. I missed Liz, Molly, Bill, Gustav, Georg, and even Tom. I missed him the most. Then suddenly, the gate door opened and Alice came in.

"Hey." she said with a smile.

"Hi, come and play with us." I said with a smile. She walked over and started playing with us. This seemed so... so odd. I missed Tom and the others. This isn't what I want. But at the same time, I want this. I want everything to go back to normal. I don't know anymore. I don't know what I really want. This is... is ugh, I don't know.

Tom P.O.V

Ten minutes ago, Adri almost died. Her heart stopped beating. I quickly called a doctor and luckily they managed to save her from death. Right now, she's still sleeping but sometimes mumbling in her sleep. I can't leave her side. I can't after what just happened. I can't let her die.

Adrianna P.O.V

I was in a dark room again. What was going on? Suddenly, someone took off something from my eyes and I could see again. I was in a dark room; only one light was in the room. I looked around.

"Oh, I see you woke up." said a male demonic voice with a chuckle. I froze in fear.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, my voice being shaky.

"Oh, don't worry, you don't have to be afraid. My name is Candy Pop. Nice to meet you, my dear Adri." he said sweetly but still having that demonic voice.

"How... how do you know my name?" I asked him, fear in my voice.

"Well, you created me. You created us... we know everything about you." he said softly, but that demonic voice never leaving him.

"What do you mean I created you?" I asked, now confused.

"Do you remember him?" he asked, and the man with the blue mask came out of the shadow. "You created him... do you know his name?" he asked with a small chuckle.

I was gasping for air. I knew his name. I fucking knew his name. But how? How the fuck do I know his name? "Eyeless Jack." I said, my voice shaking.

"Perfect." he said. "And what's her name?" he asked, and Sally stepped out of the darkness.

"S-S-Sally." I said, stuttering.

"Perfect." he said and slightly chuckled evilly. "And what is his name?" he asked, and the clown stepped out of the darkness.

"Laughing Jack." I said quietly, full of fear.

"Again, perfect." he said. "And do you know him?" he asked, and the 13-year-old blonde boy came out of the darkness.

"B-Ben D-Drowned." I said, my voice shaking.

"Perfect." he said and finally came out of the darkness. Finally, I could see him. He was a clown. He was a fucking clown. He had a weapon that looked like a hammer, but it wasn't a hammer. It was huge. His clothes were blue and purple. "You don't have to be afraid... we won't hurt you." he said calmly. "You created us to protect yourself." he said and stepped closer to me.

"What do you mean by that, to protect myself?" I asked him, confused.

"After they kidnapped you, you couldn't take it anymore. Maybe you couldn't feel it, but your mind had to protect you. After you got into the hospital, you broke, and at that time, you created Eyeless Jack." he said and pointed at him. "Then you created the others, and now you have the explanation... you can wake up." he said, and as he said that, everything went dark.

After some seconds, I saw some light. As soon as I could clearly see, I looked around. I saw Tom sitting on a chair, looking at his phone. "Tom." I said quietly. He looked up and sighed in relief.

"You're awake." he said with a small smile.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked him quietly.

"Wait, let me call you a doctor." he said and got up from his chair and quickly left the room.

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