Monster Movie

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Darkness surrounded the Impala as she sped down a long curvy road, wet from the previous rain. Passing a sign that said welcome to Pennsylvania that was in a bold font you couldn't name, suspenseful music played as you read one of the books Sam stole from your old house. Lightning and thunder struck yet the clouds above didn't shed any raindrops.

Dean drove with one hand on the wheel, acting nonchalant as both brothers wore pessimistic faces. Sam held a flashlight, pointing it downwards to a manila file with papers paperclipped to one side.

"The radio around here sucks." Dean states in a husky voice before flipping off the switch. The music stops and your eyes flicker upwards at both boys before refocusing onto a page that you've been trying to read for five minutes. The music definitely didn't help your focus and neither did the speeding.

"C'mon man- jobs don't get weirder than this, you know?" Dean looks at his brother, noticing the tense vibe Sam permitted.

"Dead vic with a gnawed-on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire." Dean emphasizes with his hands before licking his lips and looking at the road.

"No, I- I agree. It's a hell of a case." Sam stutters as he never allows his eyes to wander too far off the folder.

Lightning cracks and illuminates the boys more, letting you see Dean's hopeful attempt at getting more out of his little brother.

"A little more gusto, please." Dean encourages Sam with his hands signing for more. Sam blinks before shutting the folder and setting the flashlight down in frustration.

"It's just... the world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated, you know?" Speaking forcefully and full of enunciation to strengthen his point, Sam finally looks at Dean.

"Yeah, well, we can't save the world. Not today anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' heads. Come on, man, it's like the good old days. An honest-to-goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters got back to tackling a straightforward, black and white case." He finishes as lightning and thunder crack; finalizing his statement. Clearly god was on someone's side.

"We're also really bored." You finally speak up with a half smile. Sam rolls his eyes at your statement while Dean nods.

"Yea, what she said." You then rolled your eyes after making eye contact with Dean through the mirror you now hate.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent after that, only the thunder brought extra noises amongst the engine's purr.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent after that, only the thunder brought extra noises amongst the engine's purr

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