Chapter 10 | I Want You Here with Me

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When you're living life, time really flies past. Especially when you're in love.

It's been four months since Christmas and six months since they started dating and when you have someone to look forwards to, someone to complain about our day to, someone to share your lunch with, life couldn't be better. 

Like clockwork they met up during their lunch breaks and after their shifts to fulfil their daily quota of seeing each other but recently she has been working herself past her limit, her rent crept up and she's having a hard time keeping up, working twice as hard as she usually would to complete her extra hours and sometimes skipping her lunch break even though it was her favourite part of her day, but it was taking its toll on her.

She told Barry she wouldn't be able to see him after work and wanted to head straight home to rest. As she pushed open her door her nose was immediately met with the best smell in her life, the sizzling of food and rattling of pots and pans.


"Hey!" He smiled, "Just in time." He said, sliding a plate of food across the kitchen counter as she walked over an sat down on the stool.

"Why are you here?" She breathed out softly.

"You've been working hard Kara; you deserve to be spoiled once in a while." He smiled. He slowly took her glasses off and place them down on the table and undid her ponytail like she always does when she gets home, "Eat and relax." He said, placing a kiss on her head.

She wanted to tackle him into a hug right then and there, but she was too hungry.

His food was delicious, it reminded her of the soup he made when she was sick, not the taste but the feeling. It was like she could taste the love he put into the food.

"Thank you, Barry." She said softly, "I was ready to sleep hungry tonight..."

"Not while I'm around." He said, he turned around to turn the TV on but suddenly she jumped from her stool and hugged him from behind.

"Please don't leave." She whispered, her hands clutching the front of his shirt.

"I'm not going to leave." He chuckled, "I'll always be here for you, so please eat." He smiled as he turned around and brought her into a hug.

"I meant, I could have worded better, but I meant, I want you to live here...with me." She said, staring up at him, finally mustering up enough courage to ask him, "I-I've been meaning to ask you since well, the rent and bills are killing me and well, I want to see you all the time."

"Y-You don't have to! I'm sorry if you feel like I'm pressuring you, y'know what just forget what I sai-"

He interrupted her by squishing her cheeks together, "Joe suggested the same thing, I didn't know how to ask you but yes, I want to move in." 

They embraced in a soft and tender kiss, they pulled apart as Kara rested back onto her feet, "Are you sure?" 

"One hundred percent." He smiled, "Now once you've finished your dinner, I'll get a bath ready for you."

"I'm not a child Barr." She laughed.

"Shoosh." He said, resting his finger on her lips, "Let me take care of you."

It's only been six months.

In the bigger picture of a human lifespan of roughly eighty years, six months is nothing. But yet in such a short time, she can't imagine how life would be if she never went to that bar that night. If she never went to that crime scene that day. If she never told him how she felt. She can't imagine life without him anymore.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said softly, "I-Is it okay if I stay the night?"

"Where else would you spend it?" She asked, with a small smirk on her lips.


The sunlight bleeding through her curtains and beating on her eyelids caused her to awake from her sleep. Staring at her roof the realisation set in, another day, another shift. Work and work and work and for what? To barely keep a roof over her head.

She rolled over and took a deep breath but remembered this wasn't like every other morning she had woken up to. She could smell it in her sheets, his scent.

As she sat up, she heard sizzling and music coming from her kitchen. She climbed out of bed and pushed her door open and saw him making breakfast and dancing to music from the TV, "I didn't take you for much of a morning person..." She said, groggily, still waking up from her sleep.

"I gotta get to work early, but I made you breakfast and packed you leftovers for lunch in the fridge." He smiled warmly; it was like he didn't even sleep.

But she could remember it vividly, feeling the warmth he radiated when he slept and how peaceful he looked. How comfortable his chest was to sleep on and how it felt hearing him murmur in his sleep.

"Thank you, babe." She smiled, walking over to him and kissing his cheek, "I-I'll see you tonight, right?"

"Of course, I'll be home a bit late, I have to talk to Joe and Iris."


She giggled to herself and kissed him one more time.

"Have a good day at work, I love you." She said, breathing in his scent one more time.

"I love you too, don't work too hard and don't forget your lunch." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

He placed a plate of food down onto the kitchen counter and gave her one more kiss before smiling and leaving.

She already knew she would have a hard time focusing on work knowing she would be seeing her boyfriend everyday of every week.


After finishing his work and sending the requested analysed samples to his Captain, he could finally call it a day. As he was about to leave, he heard a knock on his door and saw Iris standing there.

"Hey Iris, what brings you by?"

"Nothing! I just wanted to check up on you." She said, he could recognise her tone, she clearly had something bothering her.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Dad told me you were thinking of moving in with Kara."

"Well actually, she already asked me since her rent is getting harder pay by herself and I said yes." He spoke happily

"R-Really? That's great Barr."

"Is something wrong Iris?"

"I... I wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything." She said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I know I didn't treat you the best growing up and I was too scared for a long time to even speak about it but seeing you move on and grow made me realise I should do the same. I'm sorry for hurting you for so long."

"You have nothing to apologize for Iris. You were the first person to treat me like a human, like what happened to my parents didn't define me. You protected me when I got bullied, put band-aids on me whenever I got hurt and helped me get through my nightmares. The kindness you showed me was so natural to you but it was what saved me."

Iris could feel tears welling up in her eyes, "As my sister I could not have asked for anyone better. So, Iris West, as my foster sister and best friend, I love you, platonically." He smiled.

He's grown so much, "I love you too Barr, platonically." 

The two siblings shared a hug and it felt like someone had lifted the weights off her shoulders that she had been carrying for so long.

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