Chapter 11 | I Believe in You

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"R-Really? That's everything?" She asked, seeing his two boxes of stuff that he pulled from his car, "And since when have you had a car?"

"I don't use it often since everywhere I usually go is in walking distance and parking is a nightmare but yup, that's pretty much everything." He said, giving her a big thumbs up.

"It's nice that I'm still learning random things about you Barr."

"Now that we live together you will get to learn every random thing there is to know about me."

"I can't wait." She giggled.

The two of them carried the boxes into her apartment and set them down onto the ground, "Am I going to find anything weird in these boxes?" Kara asked, in a teasing tone.

"Kara." His tone was much more serious than it should be.


"I have never told anyone before but in the box in front of my secret identity, my superhero costume." He said, turning to face her, not a single emotion on his face.

They stared at each other for a few moments before he burst into laughter. Her face went beet red because she actually found herself believing him, "You're so stupid." She grumbled as his laughter died down.

"Would you love me if I was a secret superhero?" He asked, scooting over to her.

"Obviously." She replied, "But would you love me if I was a..... water bottle?"

"That's... Yes, yes I would love my water bottle version of Kara Danvers."

The two them started to laugh because no matter what it was like they were on the same wavelength, acting like children and being as silly as they wanted.

"In every lifetime, I'll always love you." He smiled to himself.

She sliced open the box resting at her feet and inside were some framed photos.

A photo of him, Iris and Joe at his birthday party, the same photo she was looking at, at Christmas and the other photo was a much younger Barry with two people behind him, his parents, Nora and Henry Allen.

He crouched down in front of her as she stared at the photo, "It's the only photo I have with them, I kept in on my nightstand but if it's okay with you I would like to put it in your room."

"It's our room Barry, and yes of course it's okay." She smiled, "Your parents would be so proud of you." She said softly, she didn't even know why she said it, it just came out, "I-I'm sorry, that, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Don't stress babe." He chuckled, "I would have loved for them to meet you."

"Do you think, maybe we can visit them together?"

He stayed quiet for a bit, "It will be the anniversary of their death in three days." He said quietly, "It would mean a lot to me if you came with me."

She wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug, "Of course." She spoke softly.

He rarely spoke about his parents but when he did, he lost his smile and the light in his eyes would dim. But he was slowly opening up about it.

"I appreciate it, oh! and there's my favourite photo." He said, as she scrambled through a nearby box and pulled out a photo of the two of them on Christmas wearing matching sweaters.

"I forgot about that..." She said sheepishly.

"It's my favourite photo and it's going right on the fridge."

"Wha- Why is that your favourite photo?" She laughed.

"No reason." He responded. He placed it onto the kitchen counter as the two of them resumed unpacking the boxes.

It was because of her smile.

The two of them spent the rest of their day unpacking his stuff and doing some paperwork to add him to the lease of the apartment. 

Time had flown straight past them and now they were sitting on the couch with Kara resting her legs in Barry's lap as he read the book he's been wanting to read for a long time. The room was silent, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence like in an elevator, it was a peaceful silence. They didn't need to talk to each other, they didn't need to constantly be laughing or talking, this was enough.

She was mindlessly scrolling through her phone when she saw an email pop up in her notifications. It was her boss.

She quickly opened it, nearly dropping her phone on her face and read through the email.

"Hey Kara!

We were lucky enough to be able to nominate one of our journalists for the 'Journalist of the Year' Award and everyone in the office agreed, it should be you. Please let me know whether or not you would like to participate.

Kind regards,


Her heart nearly sunk to the bottom of her chest, she immediately moved her feet of Barry's lap and sat up straight, like her mother was scolding her, "What's wrong?" he asked, seeing his girlfriend in such a panic.

"I-I'm up for Journalist of the Year..." She breathed out, still not comprehending what the email read.

"W-What! Really?" Barry said, with an excited tone.


"You don't sound too excited..."

"I've wanted this ever since I was a junior Journalist, I never actually thought I would have this chance. It's been so long that I slowly, just began to give up." She said, slumping back into the couch.

"What do you want now?"

"I-I don't know..."

"This award isn't just for you Kara, it's also for the junior journalist Kara that wanted to win this award, it's for the teenage Kara that saw your idol win this award on stage and wonder if she could win it too. You owe it to yourself not just to win, but to try your best. You've put so much effort in in the past, don't let it go to waste."

Not only was he her boyfriend, but he was also her biggest fan.

"I believe in you Kara, don't doubt yourself." He smiled softly.

It's been her dream to win this award, ever since she became a junior journalist and ever since her mentor and idol in National City won the same award, but every time she felt like she fell short. 

But now she has someone other than her cheering in her corner. Even though it's only one person, it feels like an entire crowd is cheering her on. The once diminishing fire in her heart was re-ignited.

"I'll try my best." She smiled.

She began to think back on her life as a journalist and what led her down the path that she chose and what made her enjoy her job so much. In her mind she could see her younger self looking at her, smiling.

"I won't let you down."

A Perfect Pair - Superflash AUWhere stories live. Discover now