Cheater Ex Girlfriend x Moonfish Male Reader

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Coming For You


Third POV

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

(Y/N): I died... I died... I died...

A man can be seen banging his head against the wall of his cell.

Guard: Hey! Quit it! 

The guard slammed his fist against the cell door. The man inside the cell was named (Y/N) (L/N). He turned around and looked at the door.

(Y/N): Ugh...?

Guard: That's better. Now take your food and eat.

He pushed a tray of food inside the cell. 

Guard: You better enjoy it, it'll be one of the last things you'll have.

The guard walked away while laughing. (Y/N) stood up and walked over to his food. He stared at it for a few seconds before kicking it.

(Y/N): Meat... Meat... I NEED MEAT!

(Y/N) has always been seen as a freak. Not only was he a little slow, but he also had a strange abnormality in his body - being able to extend his teeth as much as he wanted.When (Y/N) found out about his girlfriend cheating on him, something inside him snapped. He visciously attacked his girlfriend and the man she was with. The police tried to stop him, but he killed seven officers and wounded twelve before being captured and thrown into prison where he would await his execution. He turned his attention to the TV in his cell.

Reporter 1: Local woman had divorced her husband because during sex, he imagined her twin.

Reporter 2: Latest research shows that our post offices are so fast, that if you send your aunt seeds in a package, your aunt will recieve a bush.

Reporter 1: In Fukushima came nuclear autumn. The birds turned yellow and the trees flew to the south.

Reporter 2: Fitness maniac from Buenos Aires drank 10 energy drinks and got home with the exercise bike.

Reporter 1: But first, a local woman named Harper Lincoln has recently woken up in the hospital. She had been attacked by her boyfriend and survived by a miracle.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened.

(Y/N): No... NO! She's alive... She shouldn't be... SHE SHOULDN'T BE!

He began screaming histerically and kicking the door with all his might. The guard returned and entered the cell.

Guard: I told you to stay quiet, you moron!

He hit (Y/N) with his baton.

(Y/N): Ugh!

The guard knocked him down and began beating him up.

Guard: When i say to be quiet *hit* you're going to be quiet! *hit*

(Y/N) looked up at the guard.

(Y/N): Meat... GIVE IT TO ME!

He shot his teeth toward the guard piercing him through his chest.

Guard: Fucker!

(Y/N) sliced him up quickly. He went in front of the guard's dead body and knelt down, staring at it.

(Y/N): Flesh, succulent flesh! Beautiful meat! N-No... must do job first! No!

He began swaying towards the exit. (Y/N) began making his way through the prison, chomping through guards and inmates alike. Before exiting, he retrieved a straight jacket to maximise the use of his power, and a mouth opener to not hirt his lips when he uses his teeth. He took one last look at himself before heading out.

 He took one last look at himself before heading out

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(Y/N): Uhh...

He started limping towards the exit.

Harper's POV

I was recovering in the hospital. Everything was hurting me.

Harper: Damn... He messed me up pretty good.

I looked at the TV. 

Reporter 1: Emergency news. A death row inmate has escaped from the Tartarus prison and has headed toward the hospital. We advice people to lock their homes and for patients to remain in their rooms until the prisoner's been dealt with. 

My eyes widened when i saw (Y/N)'s picture. I knew he was coming to finish the job.

Harper: *Cough* Nurse... Nurse!

Nobody answered. I just now realised how quiet it was. I tried to get up but fell to the floor. Slowly, i made my way to the door. 

Harper: Hello? 

The corridor was completely dark. Only one light was flickering at the other end. Someone was kneeling under it. I was about to go ask for help, but something about him seemed... off. I heard the man mumbling to himself.

Man: Flesh... So beautiful... No... Don't tempt me...

It wasn't until now that i realised that he was standing on top of a dead body. I felt like i was about to throw up. He slowly turned his head toward me.

(Y/N): I have work to do...

He started to slowly walk towards me while moaning quietly. I fell to the ground from fear.

Harper: (Y-Y/N) wait!

He didn't listen to me and kept on walking. I managed to stand up and reach the staircase.

(Y/N): Come to me, Harper... I need you...

I managed to reach the basement and lock myself inside. 

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): Gaah...

I began drooling at the thought of Harper's flesh. She was messing with a psychotic in bondage and i would never let her leave. I reached the basement door and immediately destroyed it with my teeth. The place was completely dark. 

(Y/N): Harper... Harper... Please come to me... DONT TEST THE GOD WHO IS CHOMPING...! *shoots his teeth* ON ALL OF YOUR FLESH IF IT'S SPOTTED...! *shoots his teeth* YOU WON'T SURVIVE IN THIS CARNAGE!

Harper: *Gasp*

I heard her slapping her hands on her mouth behind me and i slowly turned around.

(Y/N): There you are...

I saw her hiding behind some cardboard boxes.

(Y/N): Sharp teeth will slice...

Harper: W-Wait! GAH!

I impaled her with my teeth.


I retracted my teeth and she fell to the floor. I slowly approached her and knelt down.

(Y/N): Hah... Meat... Finally... All mine...

She gargled through her bloodied throat.

Harper: I knew what you would've become... You don't deserve to be loved... You only deserve to die...

With that she drew her last breath. I began drooling again.

(Y/N): Job is done... Time to dig in...

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