cody and noah go out for a coffee

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happeh chapter before more angst 😈

and yes, this is the place where lindsay amd gwen kissed. same icecream stamd also ☺️ WILL THEY KISS? YOU MAY NEVER KNOW TILL THE END OF THID CHAPTER. 🤣 /maybe angst mixed with fluff :)


cody quickly changes into something random, but still kind of decent. he walks over to his bathroom and brushes his teeth, he sprays on some cologne and looks in the mirror, "i look goood!!" cody compliments himself and smiles. he grabs his phone and walks down the hall into the living room, he plops down on the couch as he waits for noah to text him. ding!!! noah textes cody. he clicks on the notification, hes ready. cody gets up and grabs his keys, as he walks out the door, making his way to his car.


noah hopped into codys car as he closed the door, "hi noah!" cody smiles. "hi." noah returned a small smile back. noah puts his seatbelt on as cody reversed, now in the rode. they both sat in comfortable silence, cody was focused on the rode and noah was on his phone. before anyone was online to comfront noah, he went in the group chat when no one was online. he reread all the messages, all of axels stupid fucking lies. and everyone belived him, well almost everyone,  noah wished he could tell them what he do to him, but just cant, noah thinks it should just be between his closest friends. noah didnt dare to type anything, neither to text. he decided it would just be best if noah just left the groupchat, izzy would probably add him, she already knows. "were here." cody nudged noah, which snapped noah out of his thoughts. "oh." noah said under his breath. he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door. he got out and saw the place, noah hadn't been here yet. "i love this place, they sell the best black coffees. i remember going here with my dad when i was younger, i would always get a cake pop." cody smiled at the thought of remembering the memories at this place. "how do you know what the coffees taste like?" noah asked cody. "i went here one time after school, i have been here alot, so it kind of takes longer to make what i usually get, they told me that black coffee was the fastest they make, so i just got it. its soo good." cody explained to noah. they both walked in, it smelled like coffee beans, yummyyummyyummy "theres not many people here." cody mumbled, he choose a table next to the window, the clouds covered the sun, so it wouldnt be hot. "come." cody waved at noah, they both sat down and waited for someone to take their order, "hi! my name is priya, il be your waitress! what would  you like to order?" priya asked them. "uh. can i get a caramel farppuchino?" cody asked. "mhm! and what about you?" she pointed her pen at noah. "a black coffee." noah told her. "alright!" she said writing it down, "thank you." she smiles at them both, as she walks off. "you good?" cody asked noah, after noah had been zoning out. "oh, yeah sorry." noah flinched, being snapped out of his thoughts. "you sure? you seem pretty freaked out." cody told him.  "...what if he does something worse." noah mumbled. "he probably wont." cody tried to comfort noah. "im pretty sure he is, to me and you, and... im scared." noah admitted. "everything will be okay." cody places his hand on noahs as he rubs it a bit, smiling. noah returns a small smile back, before the waitress came with their drinks. "caramel frappuchino and a black coffee?" priya asked them. "mhm." cody hummed. she places the drinks on the table and walks off. "holy shit, you werent lying when you said the coffee here is the best." noah said drinking it more. "told ya." cody smiled as he drank his drink.


noah and cody had both finished their drinks, well noah finished first so he waited till cody was done. "im done." cody told him. "okaaay.." noah said. "then lets go dumbass." cody snirkered. "shut up." noah laughed. cody waved to the waitress, she came walking over. "are you ready to pay?" she asked. "yeah." cody told her. "that will be 6 dollars and 32 cents, tax included." priya told her. "here." cody said pulling out 7 dollars, "you guys are a cute couple." priya smiled, cody and noah stared at eachother, "were not a couple." cody chuckled a bit, "oh really? my apologies, kind of a seemed like it, i saw you guys holding hands." priya told them. she walked off, noah and cody stared at eachother awkwardly, until noah started laughing. "shut up." cody smiled and rolled his eyes, he grabbed noahs arm and dragged him out the café. cody had kept his hand wrapped around noahs wrist, cody hadnt realized yet that he still was, noah had realized cody had his hand wrapped around his wrist. he turned red, noah swung his hand around, "oh, sorry." cody said embarrassed. "should we get icecream?" cody smiles at noah. "seriously?" noah laughed. "pleaase!!!" cody pleaded. "go get some." noah told him. "i want you to get some to." cody begged. "fine." noah gave in. cody dragged noah to the icecream stand. "what flavor do you want?" cody asked noah. "i dont know, chocolate i guess." noah said. "i want mint chocolate chip." cody raised his finger. "ahem, nerd. ahem." noah jokingly said. cody gave noah a stare, as noah continued to laugh. "alright." the guy said. "he seems so tired of this job." cody whispered to noah. "for real." noah replied. "that will be 5 dollars." the guy told them. "here." noah pulled out a 5 dollar bill. cody took both of the icecream cups and gives what noah ordered to noah. noah takes the little spoon and trys it, "holy moly thats amazing." noah said licking his lips. "holy moly?" cody giggled. "shut it." noah rolled his eyes. "that bench, lets sit down." cody pointed at a bench. "kay." noah said, cody and noah both walked to the bench and sat down. "you werent lying, i shouldve tipped that icecream man dude." cody said stuffing his mouth with icecream. "can i try yours?" cody asked noah. "you have to let me try your first. "kay." cody and noah both switch cups as they tried it, "im not a big fan of mint chocolate chip." noah said. "this is goood." cody said. "okay give me mind back." noah asked him. "okay wait," cody said eating more. "dude its my icecream!" noah argued. "and i payed for it!" noah groaned im defeat. "kay here." cody gave noah back his cup. "dude you ate halve of it?!" noah yelled at cody. "then whyed you get small?" cody argued back. "because i didnt know it was this good." noah said eating with the little spoon. cody just shrugged in response.


""are you done yet?" noah asked cody as cody was taking forever to finish his icecream. "yah." cody said. "im tired." cody said leaning his head on noahs shoulder. noahs face turned red, "me to." noah replied. "you know cody, this is probably the best day i've literally had in like a month." noah admitted. "really?" cody look at noah. "..yeah, still not over it." noah said quietly. "over what?" cody asked, "you know, the party i told you about." noah asked. "ooohh." cody said finally getting it, "your gonna have to tell them noah. you need to prove your point." cody told noah. "i know, i will." noah replied. "..thank you, for everything today." noah thanked cody. "your welcome." cody smiled. cody and noah both stare at eachother for a bit, untill cody leans in and kisses noah on the lips. noah wasn't complaining, he really liked cody. and he was done with emma, he got what he wanted. noah kissed him back, until cody pulled away. "im sorry! i didnt mean to-" cody rushed his words, "its okay." noah shushed him. "do, you wanna uhh... you know, go out sometime??? its doesnt have to be a date! i just-" cody was cut off by noah kissing him, "shut up you dork. of course il go out with you." noah chuckled. "okay!" cody smiled widely, showing his gap.


cody was nice enough to drop me off at my house, we finally arrived after like 10 minutes of driving. "thanks." i thanks him while i grabbed my stuff. "your welcome." cody smiled at me with that stupid gap, oh and what a pretty one. "i love you." cody told me before i walked out. " you to." i replied back. i quickly walked in my house hearing codys car leaving. i unlock the door with my key and walk in, my dog sat there as she jumped on me playfully. i laughed as i pet the big dog. i set my things down on the table in the entrence. before i walked back upstairs in my room my mom called me. "where have you been?" my mom asked me sternly. "i went to get a coffee with my friend." i told her, "why the fuck did you get home so late." she asked me. "we got ice cream and there was traffic." i told her in a more serious tone. "dont talk to me in that nasty tone." she scolded. "well how do you want me to talk?!" i accidentally shouted at her, earning a slap to my face. "say that again and i will actually beat the shit out of you, get out of my face." she slightly pushed me. i could feel my eyes burning. "im sorry." i said quietly before marching up the stairs. i could hear my dog following me from behind, i walked to my room and climbed in my bed, as i tucked myself in with the blanket. i took my phone and looked at the group chat, i reread all of the texts, seeing how they all belived him. them calling me the most cruel words, disgusting, mean, worst of all, cruel. what is worse was that it was what cody typed. i turned to my side, my dog jumped on my bed and cuddled next to me, i dug my face in her fluffy fur as i let my tears out. im such a fucking dramatic person. i eventually blacked out.

WAKE UP NEW CHAPTER DROPPED 🔥🔥🔥 listening to loser monologue rn

a totally dramatic td gc!!🙈 //discontinued//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن