14 1 4

Entered 12th June, 2024

Hey guys. Ya girl's back.

Let me introduce you to my classmates. 

We have Gus, Dash, and Cael, who are the 'class clowns' (💀), Piper, Marley, and Emily, who are those girls who like gymnastics and are all full of emselves. (They're the 'popular' group)

Cora, Sebastian, Peyton, Shan and Alice, who are that group that swear they arent gayasses who say slay, but you can see them shaking their asses when walking out of the corner of your eye, 

And a bunch of other losers who aren't necessary.

Okay, so, to the story.

Our teacher, Miss H, has this squeaky toy pig named Porky that you get from the pet aisle in a Woolies, ya know the ones, that we play Silent Ball with. Silent Ball is where you get in space and throw the pig around the classroom without making any noise, neither from yourself nor the pig. And these things are VERY sensitive, incase you didn't know.

One day in class we were throwing Porky around and then Gus got out of the game by making a noise from the pig. This fatfuck threw Porky into the goddamn oblivion, this thing went flying into the side of Cora's head. It was like SQEEEEEEEE and then Gus got yelled at.

APPARENTLY whooping Porky was funny, (poor Porky), because when Miss H was out of the classroom, Gus grabbed Porky off the shelf and FINGERED the goddamn fucking pig and piggy was SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and damn.

Porky now have half of his squeaker hanging out his mouth. He don't squeak no more and Gus owes Miss H five bucks.

Lets have a moment of silence for Porky the pig.

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