Where it all started

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I apologize to everyone for not being able to post on time recently. I have been busy studying and as a result, I won't be able to post regularly for the time being.

Happy Reading !!

Astrids POV:

As the crowd approached me and offered their congratulations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort. I quietly acknowledged each person and thanked them, but inside, I was feeling increasingly uneasy. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally made my way to the table where my friends were sitting. As I settled into my seat, I glanced at the time and realized that nearly 25 minutes had already passed since the start of lunch. With only about 15 minutes left before I had to head to the gym, I knew that I had to eat quickly and prepare for my upcoming workout.

Astrids POV ends

"Hey everyone," Astrid exclaimed cheerfully as she walked up to her friends, Aisha and Alina. Aisha and Alina both looked up and greeted her simultaneously with a friendly "Hey."

"How did your test go?" Aisha asked sympathetically. "I heard it was tough."

Astrid beamed with pride and said, "Oh, it was a breeze! I knew the answer to every single question."

Alina, who had always found Chemistry challenging, chuckled and remarked, "As always, huh?"

Astrid immediately realized her mistake and apologized, saying, "Oh, Alina, I didn't mean to—"

Before she could finish, Alina interrupted with a laugh, saying, "I was just kidding, Astrid. Don't worry about it."

Astrid pouted playfully, and the three friends spent the rest of their lunch break chatting and sharing jokes.

Third Person POV:

We were walking back to class, and Alina mentioned that she had chemistry classes with Miss Carter and asked what everyone else had after lunch. Aisha, replied eagerly, saying she had basketball coaching. Just then, an announcement came over the loudspeaker instructing students who had gym after lunch to assemble near the garden with their gardening supplies, as the gym teacher had to leave suddenly. Astrid sighed and said that she had gym, but now she'd have gardening classes instead. She expressed her frustration with Miss Roots, the gardening teacher, and how she got into every tiny detail of their work. Astrid also mentioned how she once got so bored that she fell asleep in class, and now Miss Roots affectionately calls her the "DD Girl," which stands for Day Dreaming Girl.

Third Person POV ends:

Astrid was excited as she meticulously prepared for her upcoming gardening classes. She carefully selected her most comfortable and well-worn pink gardening trousers, and expertly fashioned her chestnut locks into a charmingly disheveled bun. With an air of determination, she ventured out into the garden where Miss Roots, the esteemed instructor, was conducting an engaging and interactive gardening practical.

 With an air of determination, she ventured out into the garden where Miss Roots, the esteemed instructor, was conducting an engaging and interactive gardening practical

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Her Gardening trousers

Her Messy bun (please imagine it has pink highlights)

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Her Messy bun (please imagine it has pink highlights)

On her path to the gardening class, she was drawn to a gentle, luminous glow in the distance. The radiant light seemed to call out to her, and as she drew near, she discovered a young woman in her mid-20s who appeared to have been eagerly awaiting her presence.

As Astrid gradually emerged from a dazed state, she came to realize that she was near an unknown woman. Detecting a hint of unfamiliarity, she promptly questioned, "Pardon me, but I know everyone on this campus. Are you a new arrival? Also, if you don't mind me asking, what is that you're holding?" "Take it easy, Astrid. My name is Sky. I'm here to offer you guidance," the woman responded calmly.

To be continued...

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