Our School Rockstar !!

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Hi everyone, I'm sorry for being unable to update the story as I was celebrating my birthday. Once again, sorry.

 Happy reading!

Rowan was bathed in the soft light of the early morning, with most of its inhabitants still lost in slumber. At precisely 5:30 am, a shrill alarm pierced the silence, signaling the start of a new day. A teenage girl stirred in her bed, her eyes flickering open as she took in her surroundings. Gradually, she roused herself from sleep and embarked on her morning routine. After a refreshing wash, she selected her favorite athletic attire and prepared herself for her daily workout. Stepping out of her apartment, she made her way toward the local sports ground, ready to embark on her routine of invigorating running laps.

Our remarkable Astrid is a tall, slender, and stunning young woman. Just as she completed about 10 laps, her coach appeared. Astrid is the captain of the girls' football team, which has an upcoming match this weekend. Since her coach was available and they lived in the same apartment building, he decided to provide her with extra training.

After an hour or so, Sweat was dripping from her body, anyone who looked at her now would think that she would collapse any second, but our girl here was solid and could endure anything, she was huffing and puffing and taking long and big breaths.

Astrid's POV:

The morning sun was just starting to peek over the horizon as my coach and I finished our training session at around 6:30 am. Sweat dripped from my brow, and my muscles ached from the intense workout. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed, but I knew that wasn't an option. I had a packed day ahead and couldn't afford to skip school.

As I caught my breath, my coach approached me with a kind smile. "Astrid, we're finished for today. You should head home and get ready for school. We both need to make sure we're on time," he said, permitting me to leave. "See you at school."

My exhaustion made it difficult to muster a response, so I simply nodded and mumbled, "Okay coach, I'll see you at school. Goodbye." He returned the farewell and departed, leaving me to gather my sports gear and head back to my apartment.

Upon returning to my apartment, I set my sports gear down in the corner and proceeded to take a refreshing, revitalizing cold shower to regulate my body temperature. Earlier that day at school, we had sports activities, so we were required to wear our designated sports uniform. I opted for a pair of sleek black skinnies, a roomy, oversized sports T-shirt, and some long, loose-fitting track pants. I made sure to pack a spare set of sports shorts and some sturdy studs in my side bag, along with other essential items.

 I made sure to pack a spare set of sports shorts and some sturdy studs in my side bag, along with other essential items

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I carefully packed my school bag with all the necessary books and materials for the day. After making sure everything was in order, I locked the apartment and headed to the elevator. Despite having only 5 more staircases to descend, I decided to take the elevator because my legs were feeling a bit weary. Once I reached the parking lot, I approached my cycle. I secured my side bag at the back, my lunch bag at the front, and my backpack on my shoulders before setting off for school. Despite the discomfort in my legs, I chose to ride my bicycle to school as a taxi was not within my budget, and taking the bus would have consumed too much time. It was my only viable option. With determination, I pedaled my way to school, mentally reviewing all the chemistry formulas for the test scheduled for the morning. With the confidence of being the class topper, I remained calm and focused, certain that I would excel in the test. My journey to school was filled with a sense of relaxation and assurance.

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