18 - The beginning of the end

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Nop and Preaw locked eyes in a silent exchange that seemed to stretch for minutes. Then, as if drawn by an invisible force, they drew nearer, their lips meeting in a fervent embrace that left us all speechless. We were unsure how to react, so we remained transfixed, mere spectators to their passionate display.

"Preaw!" Big's voice pierced the air, nearly a scream, causing us all to turn towards him before our gazes shifted back to Nop and Preaw, who remained lost in their own world, oblivious to the interruption. "Preaw, I hate to disrupt this, but we need to talk," Big persisted. Finally, Nop and Preaw reluctantly broke apart from their passionate embrace.

"Big," Preaw's voice was calm yet tinged with a hint of danger as she spoke, her eyes fixed on him with a faint smile playing on her lips. "If it were anyone else, they'd be facing the worst fate imaginable." She maintained her grip on Nop, her demeanor unyielding.

"I'm well aware of the consequences if I were anyone else, believe me. And again, my apologies for intruding on your moment with Nop, but it's imperative that we have a conversation," Big addressed Preaw, a warm smile on his face. Reluctantly, Preaw sighed and released her hold on Nop, who also seemed displeased by the interruption. The chemistry between them hinted at a tumultuous relationship once everything settled down.

"Before you utter a word, let me venture a guess: hunters have tracked you down as well," she stated with unwavering certainty, retracing her steps to where she had been standing before her intimate moment with Nop, directly in front of us.

"Yes," Big replied succinctly.

"First and Kanya were the ones who pursued you, and Kanya's fixation on you remains as intense as ever," she declared with unwavering conviction.

"Yes," Big replied.

"Did you eliminate them, or did they manage to escape unscathed?" Preaw inquired.

"They slipped through my grasp. I was outnumbered," Big replied.

"When has been outnumbered ever posed an issue for you? I distinctly recall you facing off against ten watchers who arrived to end us, and you managed to eliminate every single one," Preaw remarked, prompting us all to regard Big with admiration.

"It posed a concern as I wasn't alone during the attack; Khun Macau, my main boss's youngest son, was with me, and I couldn't jeopardize his safety. However, amidst the chaos, we managed to converse. First conveyed that he merely wished to alert me that hunters had been dispatched after me, you, and Jen," Big's explanation elicited a surprised expression from Preaw, who subsequently nodded in comprehension. Before any of us could respond, Big inquired, "When were you pursued by the hunters, and how many of them were there?"

"A week ago, three hunters pursued me, and yesterday, five more attempted the same. But you know what was even more distressing than facing those relentless hunters?" Preaw's tone was serious, her expression conveying a readiness for action. In that instant, I felt the urge to draw my weapon and direct it at her.

"They all ambushed you while you were savoring your meal," Big asserted with conviction, causing us all to exchange puzzled glances.

"Unbelievable, right?" Preaw's voice dripped with fury as she addressed Big, her incredulity palpable.

"That means they've met their end, and undoubtedly endured a gruesome fate," Big remarked calmly.

"Yes, indeed. You understand the significance of food to me," Preaw affirmed, to which Big simply nodded in accord. Just as Big seemed about to interject, Preaw spoke up once more. "Don't give me that look, Big. I've spared one of them for a little conversation."

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