Chapter 21: Rekindled Past

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Hayden led Riley into the bedroom of his condo, and everything felt familiar and comforting. Even though time had passed, the room seemed unchanged, as if she had never left. As she sat on the edge of the bed, Hayden stood in front of her and took off his shirt, showing the well-defined muscles she had always admired. Riley was drawn to his physique, knowing the effort he put into staying fit.

When she reached out to touch his stomach, she felt a thrill. Hayden’s sharp breath made her wonder if she was causing his reaction.

“I missed you, Riley,” he whispered, his voice deep and enticing in the dim light. He moved closer, gently pushing her back on the bed, his intense gaze meeting hers. He then kissed her passionately, rekindling a fire that had been dormant in her.

As his lips trailed down her neck, leaving a trail of electric sensations in their wake, Riley couldn't help but moan softly, her body responding eagerly to his touch. His hands moved with purpose, exploring every curve of her body, sending shivers down her spine. At that moment, she felt utterly consumed by the overwhelming intensity of their connection, her desire for him reaching dizzying heights.

Though she would never admit it aloud, Riley couldn't deny the truth: she had missed him too. With every touch, every caress, Hayden had a way of unraveling her, stirring emotions she had long tried to suppress. In his arms, she found herself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, her whispered pleas for more a testament to the power he held over her.

He slowly slid the strap of her dress down, exposing her bare breast, and eagerly captured it with his mouth, eliciting a gasp from Riley. Perhaps it was the lingering effects of the alcohol, she mused, but every touch from Hayden seemed to set her skin ablaze with sensation, leaving her yearning for more.

As the night went on and their passion filled the apartment with their sounds of pleasure, both Riley and Hayden ended up breathless and exhausted. When Hayden suddenly got out of bed, Riley felt a familiar sense of coldness and abandonment. She quickly covered herself, feeling a bit foolish, but her embarrassment faded when Hayden returned with two bottles of water.

He handed her a bottle and twisted off the cap. Riley thanked him quietly. Hayden then kissed her arm gently and asked, "Are you alright?"

Riley nodded, feeling a warm surprise at his concern. She realized he had never asked her that before.

"Let me know if you need more rest, or if I can devour you again the second time around," he bluntly declared, and she almost choked on the water she was sipping.

"You're crazy," she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm not joking," Hayden insisted, and when Riley glanced at him, she could tell he was dead serious, his intentions clear as his second member made its presence known.

Unable to contain her laughter, Riley chuckled at the absurdity of the situation.

The next day, Riley woke up to the warmth of the sun streaming through the window. Opening her eyes, she saw Hayden sleeping beside her. It was the first time they had spent the night together, and Riley wasn’t sure how to feel about it. The soreness in her body was a clear reminder of their passionate night, though she had lost track of how many times they had been together.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. “What have I done? I thought I was ready to move on, but now it feels like I’m back at the start,” she whispered, feeling unsure.

“Good morning,” Hayden said, his eyes still half-closed as the sunlight gently lit up his face.

“Good morning,” Riley replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

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