Chapter 12: The Rivals

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Riley stood her ground as she responded to Hayden's gaze. His eyes were sharp as he looked stunned, happy and regretful seeing her there. I am hallucinating, she thought to herself.

All this time, Riley couldn't shake the feeling of how Hayden could turn her insides up and down, however, she had come a long way. She was no longer cowering at his mere presence; his claws had slowly loosened their grip around her neck.

I am proud of myself.

Their silent battle were interrupted when Riley saw Emma's arms slithering their way to Hayden's chest, making sure that she saw the large diamond ring settling comfortably on her fingers. It was indeed the ring she saw in his apartment the last time she visited. She shut her eyes.

Warm hands went to her waist and Riley looked up to see Thomas's holding her tightly. "Are you alright? Do you need sit down?" He asked.

She lifted her chin and smiled at him, his touched putting her at ease. Riley tried to only focused on him, and eventually, she nodded. "Yes, just a little lightheaded, thank you," she sweetly responded.

"Let's grab some food first, I need you to be well and able for our dance showdown later on," he jokingly winked, and all she could manage was to laugh at his goofiness.

Before they turned their back, Thomas politely bid Hayden and Emma goodbye, but it was enough for Riley to see the murderous look in both of their eyes.

Maybe I am interpreting this differently. She pacified herself.

As they grabbed something to munch on, Thomas was quick to ask, "Is everything alright with you and Mr. Mitchell?"

Riley breathed. Did he notice? She thought to herself.

"Yes, yes he probably hated to see me knowing that I left the company for good. Mr. Mitchell doesn't like his little bunny leaving his cage for they might share information that could compromise his business." She explained, and in her mind, it was true, so technically she was not lying.

"I see, little bunny huh?" he responded shortly.

Why did I even share that?

Riley noticed that Thomas had more questions but  chose not to say it anymore as he slowly sipped his drinks, lost in his thoughts. She understood that this might be awkward for him; she might not be a hundred percent transparent about her relationship with Hayden, but she knew that Thomas might have put two and two together, and if she wanted to keep his trust, she needed to do the right thing.

"Hey Thomas, I just want to say that it is uncomfortable for me to see my previous boss. I left the company with animosity and bitterness, and now seeing him here brought those memories back. But I want you to know that I never wanted to have that life again, and I am much happier and contented now with you," she tried to assure him the best way she could.

I'm better off with Thomas, she tried to convince herself.

Thomas then smiled, satisfied to hear her words. It was probably what he wanted to hear all night long. He then lowered his head and kissed her cheek. "Thank you for saying that" he whispered, and when his fingers touched her face, she could feel her skin burn from his unsuspecting contact. As the scene transpired, both were unaware of the eyes watching their display, and Hayden couldn't help himself from clasping his knuckles tightly.

Riley found herself wrapped in Thomas's arms as he extended his arms to invite her for a dance. She hesitated at first, but his boyish grin was hard to turn down, and as they slowly swayed their hips in sync with the melodies, she slowly released the tension and enjoyed the moment with him.

"I could see a lot of men gawking at your beauty tonight. I'm not sure if I should be proud or feel mad about it," he uttered, and Riley knew he was telling the truth.

She smirked, and instead of answering, she rested her head on Thomas's chest, drawing herself closer to him. Just then, at the corner of her eyes, Riley saw the two souls she wanted to eradicate all night. They took the dance floor, and their presence was enough to catch the attention of the other guests. Hayden's broad shoulders contrasted with the feminine features of Emma, who looked stunning in her blue dress.

Emma smiled at Hayden, making sure everyone would witness how lucky she was to have Hayden Mitchell on her side, her eyes glimmering with adoration, pride, and love, displaying the diamond ring as a symbol that she was the winner of them all. The one who got to be chosen to become a wife.

Riley swallowed, Emma had always been jealous of her, and she had the right to be so. She had been snagging Hayden for two years, and even when their engagement was announced, her relationship with him didn't die down right after. Riley knew that Emma has all the reasons to hate her. She could appear sweet and innocent, but Riley could see the fangs and claws that were hidden beneath the surface, ready to strike her at any moment as she tried to claim and stamp her property for anyone who planned to take it away.

As the night progressed, the conversation turned more business-like, moving from one topic to another. Thomas was equally engrossed, and Riley wanted to give herself a break. She excused herself and whispered to Thomas that she would be in the garden outside the hotel premises to get some air.

"I'll follow you in a bit," he whispered back and squeezed her hand right after. As she trailed her way out of the ballroom, Riley was thankful that there were only a few people on the veranda as she stepped into the cold night. She breathed loudly, filling her lungs with air and slowly exhaled. She watched the tiny sparkles of light adorned in each tree, giving a romantic vibe. She raised her chin to gaze at the stars, but the bright lights of the city prevented her from even seeing a single speck. Riley automatically warmed herself as she rubbed her arms up and down, feeling the chill on her exposed skin. Suddenly, a warm coat hung on her shoulder as it was wrapped around her, giving her the comfort she much needed. When she turned around to thank him, her tongue was stuck when she was confronted by Hayden, who was standing just a few inches closer to her.

"Mr. Mitchell, what are you doing here?" She asked as she pulled herself back from the initial shock.

He didn't answer, but instead, his fingertips raised and traced the skin on her exposed chest, stopping almost at her navel.

Riley stepped back, completely dumbfounded by his intrusion. She then removed his coat from her and forcefully gave it back, ready to walk away. But her movements stopped when his hands held onto her right arm tightly.

"Riley..." she heard him say, but before he could even finish, Thomas appeared out of nowhere and was now holding Riley's left arm too.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Mitchell?" Thomas's voice was challenging, while his eyes darted at the hand that was holding her.

Hayden realized what he was doing and immediately let go. He then took a step backward, giving them enough space. He didn't utter any more words as he watched the two souls disappear from his sight. Hayden breathed, wondering why he gave in to that split moment of insanity.

Emma watched it all unfold, and as she gazed at Hayden's conflicted state, her anger towards Riley reached another level.

"Whore," Emma whispered to herself.

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