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"Very well, that's all for today. Please don't forget to read chapter 4," said Professor Ibashi, putting away his books not as carefully and meticulously as before. Now, he did it with increasing haste.

"How is Jeff's injury?" I asked quickly. Professor Ibashi hadn't changed much in terms of not wanting to talk about his son. He always told me after class and then rambled and left in a hurry.

"I already told you he's better, see you tomorrow," he said as he slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder and quickly headed for the door.

"You said you were grateful, right?" I asked, testing the waters. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at me with suspicion. I had been thinking about approaching subtly, but Professor Ibashi wouldn't budge, so I had to play the cards I had.

"What is your highness thinking?" he asked me suspiciously.

"I just... want to ask your permission to visit him," I finally said, trying to keep my voice and gaze steady.

"Your highness, you know it's not well seen for adults to mingle with children," he said gently.

"I can't be considered an adult if I haven't had my heat yet," I replied. I had rehearsed all the pros and cons of this conversation many times in my room. "Professor, you taught me to be a strategist," I thought.

"Your highness..." the professor tried to excuse himself.

"Please, I just want to visit him. Could you at least ask him if he wants to see me? If he refuses, I'll give up, I promise. No, I swear," I said very determinedly. The professor looked at me doubtfully, so I continued. "Besides, if we get to know each other a little, this whole process might be easier for both of us. It wouldn't be bad to be friends."

The professor looked at me and let out a resigned sigh.

"Alright, if he agrees to see you, I'll approve it."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily. I didn't think just a glimmer of hope could make me so happy.

Professor Ibashi walked away, leaving me with a mix of anxiety and hope. The promise of a visit to Jeff, though uncertain, was a ray of light in the monotony of my days. I couldn't help but wonder what he would think of me, whether his gaze would be one of curiosity or indifference.

The hours slipped by with the slowness of shadows at sunset, and each tick-tock of the clock echoed in my mind like the echo of a lonely cave.

The next day:

"Good morning, your highness," greeted Professor Ibashi as he entered the classroom. Anticipation had stripped the night of sleep.

"Good morning. What did Jeff say?" I asked with an eagerness I couldn't hide.

The professor observed me, surprised for a moment, before shaking his head with a smile. "I suppose it would be too cruel to make you wait until the end of the class. Jeff agreed. It will be this Saturday, so as not to interfere with his duties. Now, please, I need you to focus on chapter 4."

I... didn't remember what chapter 4 was about. The excitement of seeing Jeff again, knowing he had accepted my visit, flooded my thoughts. What should I say? What should I bring him? My mind buzzed with these questions.

After much insistence, I managed to get Professor Ibashi to confess that Jeff liked all desserts, as long as they were sweet. I didn't know much about these, as I preferred savory flavors, so I headed to the kitchen. There, with the help of Mrs. Pean, the cook, I chose the most appropriate dessert.

I was immersed in choosing my outfit when Pete knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said, not taking my eyes off the pile of clothes on my bed. I didn't want to look too elegant, but not too casual either.

Yuanfen (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now