modern day

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Mystic Angle City, 2023

Kamos, the cool one in the group of teens camping in the woods.

I started the friend group in elementary school eight years ago. I am chill, kind, vibe smart, and great.

Then there is Lula, the youngest, who is bold, brave, and goofy most of the time. Jax is a cool guy to get to know him, but want he needs to do is get us wood for the fire before midnight.

Then we have Gabie we've been best friend since kindergarten. She believes she is a witch and claims to have some power because she knows things before they happen like a mystical news reporter, but I do not know how she does it.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Zen is new to the group; we do not know much about him, but we still love him as if he had always been a part of it.

Later that night, they gathered around the campfire to unwind. Still, shortly after they went to sleep or were in the process of going to sleep, a rift in the night sky appeared, and a ship flowed out of it, crashing down in the foliage forestry nearby. Then we all heard the impact boom as if a bomb had gone off. The only problem is that we are two hours from home and one hour from the nearest city, and that is with a car; walking would take you nineteen hours, so we would be dead if something bad happened.

Nonetheless, we zoomed into the crash site from the smoke trail and found it.

We found eight shadow figures in bright colors on the ground, holding wands of some kind with a crystal on top that was the same color as what they were wearing. These were humanoid aliens, and there was blood everywhere. Still, it was golden, oh so we thought.

Boom! One of them awoke and reached for Zen.
I am not sure what language they were speaking.
"Oh my God, help!" What the hell, help guys?" They are terrified and scream.

"What the hell, help! I do not want to die, Jax; help!"
"My mom is going to kill me again if I die, you all," Gabie said. "Lula, please help me get this one off of me."

Then, they started speaking English for some reason and asked, "Where are we?" What exactly are you? What year are we in? But one of them stood up and said, "Oh, and do you have food? I am so hungry."

We all came to a halt in the middle of our screaming and said, "Are you kidding? Right, you speak English."
"We do, indeed. Now, if this is what you call this infuriating language,"
"Did you just call my language infuriating? You look like an abandoned Barbie doll; it's giving weird Barbie without the color."
"Do you happen to have any food?" A robot alien stated,
"Ay ey yah, Hanzo, the ship is badly broken." Should I switch the ship to terrestrial mode?"

"Yes, hurry up and put the cloaks on." The group claimed to have felt the ground shake as an earthquake had occurred, but the ship was fusing the rocks as it morphed into the ground. Surrounding minerals like titanium, aluminum, crystals, and stone form this protective cave, which resembles a large ant hill.

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