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- She?

Vivian walked into the nightclub, her heels clicking on the polished floor. She nodded to a few familiar faces as she made her way to the back, where the private rooms were located. The air was filled with the low hum of conversation and the faint beat of music from the main area.

Her boss, a sharp-eyed woman named Margot, was waiting for her in the hallway. Margot had an air of authority that few dared to challenge.

"Good evening, Vivian," Margot greeted, her eyes glinting with something that looked like amusement.

"G' evening" Vivian replied, her tone neutral.

Margot handed her a slip of paper. "You have a new client today."

Vivian glanced at the paper, looking bored. "And?"

Margot's smile widened. "You might find this one interesting. She's very cute."

Vivian's eyebrows raised slightly, her eyes drifting from the paper to Margot. "She?"

Margot nodded. "Yep", she said making the "P" pop.

Vivian held her normal expression, but she felt intrigued. She never had a female client before. "Interesting."

Margot chuckled. "I knew that would have caught your attention. She's waiting in the Pink Room."

Vivian folded the slip of paper and tucked it into her pocket. "Thanks for the heads-up."

"Her name's Susan!" Morgan yelled, before Vivian could walk away.

With a final nod, Vivian turned and headed towards the Pink Room, her mind already shifting gears to prepare. Despite her calm exterior, a flicker of curiosity sparked within her. This would be different, and she was curious to see how it would play out.



Susan sat in the plush, velvet chair, her fingers nervously tracing the ornate patterns embroidered into the fabric. The Pink Room was dimly lit, casting a soft, rosy glow on everything it touched. The air was filled with the faint scent of vanilla and a hint of something more she couldn't really wrap her head about. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

The door opened silently, and a tall figure stepped in, her presence immediately invading the room. Long, dark curls fell down her back, and her eyes looked sharp, or maybe it was just Susan's anxiety. She walked with confidence and she stopped in front of Susan's chair, not sitting down, offering her hand for a handshake.

"You must be Susan," the woman said, her voice smooth and authoritative. "I'm Miss V."

Susan stood, offering a tentative smile, shaking her hand. "Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you."

Susan couldn't help but notice V's outfit. She was wearing a black leather corset, with a lace pattern that went over her chest and her arms, finishing on her elbows. Black leggings and black décolletés. She looked appropriate for her job, but Susan's first thought was that the corset couldn't be comfortable. At all.

Miss V nodded, her gaze never wavering. "Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable."

Susan sat back down, feeling the tension in her shoulders ease slightly. Miss V took a seat across from her, crossing her legs.

"Tell me, Susan," Miss V began, "what brings you here today?"

Susan swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. "I... I wanted to explore something new. I heard about you from a friend and he invited me to your online platform...well, I'm curious."

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