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A couple of weeks had passed since that interaction and Susan had put a lot of thought into it. She kept it a secret from her husband, or anyone else, really.

It couldn't be considered cheating, since there was no physical relationship involved, but still, she felt like it was something only she needed to know.

After an extra hard Friday at school, right before lunch break, she found herself arguing with one of her colleagues, a middle-aged woman Susan thought was absolutely unbearable. Egocentric, rude, stressed, she had it all.

During her lunch break, Susan put an extra-focus onto the sandwich she was eating, scrolling on her phone, willing to let her mind just go blank for some minutes.
But, at some point, a sudden notification caught her attention. It was an automatic message from the club, reminding her she still had two weeks left to use a discount that was offered to her after the first "getting-to-know-you" meeting.

She started really considering it.

What could actually go wrong? Well, everything.

Her husband could find out and decide he considered that cheating, since they've never discussed it. Work could find out and shame her, or worse, fire her. Her friends could find out, but she didn't really care about that one, they wouldn't judge, not that she had many friends anyway.

Following a little more consideration, though, reality hit her. Marriage was already failing her after only two years, work would never, realistically, find out since the only way to know would be going through her phone (and that's slightly illegal) or attending the same rooms and that would be a lose-lose situation.

So, she never really decided if it was a safe or responsible decision...but still booked an appointment for that same evening, at seven p.m., texting her husband she needed to grade some papers, and she preferred to do it in the school library in order to "concentrate more".
She knew he wouldn't have come visit.

4 -

Vivian got called in the lounge, her boss telling her to get ready for her first session with Susan, that evening.
She actually didn't think the lady would have come back, since some weeks had passed and she didn't even stepped inside the club, not even for a drink.

The miss looked around in her room, looking for not-so-extravagant clothes and inspiration, for what her first session could consist of.
Susan looked like a pretty common 30-something years old woman and she didn't want to scare the poor thing off.
She wanted to take things slow and delicate, setting her pace and also her own... since, admitting it to herself, she had started to feel a little nervous about having a woman underneath her control, for the first time since starting that job.
Vivian let out a loud sigh, starting to prepare everything on the table for that evening, walking back and forth in her own room.

5 -

Susan arrived at the club an hour early, her nerves getting the best of her. She figured out it was useless to dress fancily, that's why she went in her work clothes, dressing in a pair of blue jeans, brown top and brown boots, her short brown bob framing her face. As she walked in, she kept her head down, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention but also not trying to seem too shy.

The club was just starting to fill up for the evening. She made her way to the bar and ordered a virgin cocktail, it was 6 p.m., after all. The bartender nodded and began mixing her drink. She took a seat at one of the high stools, letting the ambient music and low murmur of conversations wash over her.

She hadn't been there long when she noticed a familiar figure approaching. Max, her friend and confidant, stood out even in the dim lighting. His piercing blue eyes smiled happily, while the club's lights reflected the skin of his head.

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