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Izuku Yagi was a strange boy

Despite the fact that the old man he visits in the hospital every week is a rude, calloused, easily angered man that keeps telling the him to go away and live his life. Izuku knows that if he doesn't come then no one else will, not even Inko who is the old mans niece would come because she knows she will just cry and then he'll yell at her for crying in his own words 'Quit crying! I've come to terms why haven't you! If all your gonna do is cry then leave!'. Yes a very rude man indeed. But despite all of that Izuku still visits every Monday with flowers so that the nurses don't kill the rude grouch.

They say the quirk less are weak and can't do anything. But when it came to Izuku Yagi. . . Maybe there is more than one to be strong.


We see Izuku standing in front of a hospital carrying two bouquets of flowers. 'One for the nurses and one for gramps'. As he enters the building he walks strait to the receptionists desk without looking up from his phone, like he's done this hundreds of times. As he nears the receptionists desk she notices him and immediately brightens up.

"Ah! Izuku your late. We almost thought you weren't gonna come and bring us those beautiful flowers. he he."

"I just got held up a little at school nothing to worry about. Plus even if he's a grouch at least he has tons of cute nurses to give flowers to."

As he finishes talking he pulls a specific flower from the bouquet for the nurses and hands it to the receptionist causing her to blush and giggle slightly.

"A little charmer eh. Well you know where to go, and here's the visitors pass."

 "Thanks, bye."

After that Izuku walks his way to the elevator to get to his gramps's room. During his tip to his gramps's room he give the nurses he sees a flower and by the time he reaches his gramps's room he's only got one bouquet left. As he walks in to the hospital room he notices that nothing has changed in the room from when he left last time.


'Yup nothing changed.'

"Why obviously I'm here to make sure the kind nurses who take care of you don't kill you."

"Ha ha very funny. How many times have I told you to stop coming to visit this old fart."

"And how many times have I told you it's not gonna happen."

At this the old man lying in his bed starts grumbling something or other under his breath while Izuku gets a chair to sit down with. After the old fart stops grumbling, Izuku tells him about how his week has been and everything that happened even though it's clear the man stopped listening after a while. In spite of this however Izuku keeps talking and telling him about his day. It continues like this for a while until Izuku gets to his encounter with Izumi and the Bakugos earlier today.

"Ha Ha Ha HA HA Ha Ha HA HA. I knew you had it in you frankly I don't know why you didn't show them their place earlier."

"If I did then the teachers would all take their side because of their strong heroic quirks, even if everyone saw what really happened."

"That dumb I mean just because we're quirk less doesn't mean you have to beat us up every day. humph *grumble*"

Like Izuku, his gramps was also quirk less, so he knew the pain that comes with that tittle better than most, even if in his time the quirk less were treated better. The quirk less pair continued to sit in silence for a while until his gramps decided he needed to impart some final words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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