Unexpected guest

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Once I woke up I got dressed and got ready for more shopping today. As I was heading to the kitchen to get something to eat a knock from the door fill the room with sound. It can't be my mom she's not suppose to come till noon. I walk over to the door and as I opened it I said.
"Mom your not suppose to be here till...." I stopped talking once I saw it wasn't my mom.
"Hi are you Kara?" Asked the guy standing in front of me.
"Yes it is and you are?" I asked
"You don't remember me do you?" He asked staring at me.
"No I don't and should I?" I asked confused on who this is.
"It's mark your ex boyfriend." he said. then it hits me, he has changed a lot.
"Oh mark! How have you been!?" I asked. I was a little surprised that he was here. I broke up with him once I got out of the hospital.
"Are you sure your ready to go back to school?" My dad asked.
"Yes dad I'm sure and plus I need to talk to someone." I said
"Let me guess you have to talk to mark?" He said with a hint of sarcasm.
"Yes dad I have to talk to mark. he's not answering his phone. now will you please take me?" I said.
"Yes come on." he said heading to the car. I finally got to school and once I stepped inside the building everyone kinda just stared at me. to be honest it creeped me out, I have never been center of attention. I walked to my locker and noticed my best friend standing there like she always does when I'm not there before she is. I walk up and she noticed me right away. She ran up to me and gave me a hug, and saying how much she was worried. After I put my stuff up I saw Luke coming to us.
I walked away from my bff for a second and went to luke. I pulled him in for a hug and he hugged back and kissed my forehead. I could feel eyes on us. I could honestly care less. I looked back at my friend and she was giving me a 'wtf' look. I walked back over to her with Luke by my side.
"Umm could you please explain this." she said
"Um yea I'm going out with Luke now because he cares more about me than mark does. by the way have you seen him yet I need to talk to him." I explained.
"Oh okay um I think he's with his friends like normal." she answered being okay with me going out with Luke.
"Okay thanks I will see both of you later at lunch." I said walking away from both of them. I took me a few minutes to find him and his friends but I finally did.
"Hey mark." I said walking up to him.
"Hey babe I have been worried." he said hugging me. I knew he was lying.
"Umm can I talk to you alone please?" I asked.
"Yea sure." he said walking away from his friends. We walked to a little room where the stairs are to go up. People were walking in and out. we stopped and I said.
"Hey so I don't think this is working out. so I'm ending it." I said looking down.
"What!? You can't just break up with me. I haven't done anything." he said just staring at me. I could feel his eyes.
"Yes you have, you never care about me. you never visited me in the hospital. you only care about yourself!" I screamed in his face. people were now staring. I looked at mark, he was just staring at me with fire in his eyes. I finally speak up.
"I'm ending this, we are over mark." I said calm. next thing I know his hand comes across my face. I can't believe he just did that! Does he know what even happened to me? I just look up to him with tears in my eyes. he was looking at me and walked away. I look around people were just staring with shocked faces. I finally left to room, I reached his group of friends. they were staring at me, I still had tears in my eyes and I was holding my cheek. I quickly ran towards the bathroom. As I'm running I was stopped by Luke and Kate. I was still crying and holding my cheek.
"Kara what's wrong?" Asked Luke.
"N..nothing." I stuttered
"It doesn't look like nothing. Kara your holding your cheek and your crying." Luke said
"Did mark hit you?" Kate asked. I just stared at her and Luke. I didn't want to say anything. I didn't know what to do so I just ran to the bathroom like I planned on doing. I could hear them call after me. once I got to the bathroom I ran to one of the stalls and locked myself in and started crying again.
*flashback over*
I went back to reality and focused on him again.
"I'm doing good, so I just came over to tell you that I'm sorry from when we were in 8th grade. I also want to say that.... I'm not over you." he said kinda nervous.
"W..what?" I asked
"I know it's crazy but I want you back." he said.
"Mark listen um I can't get back with you." I said.
"You mean you won't get back with me." he said with a hint of anger in his voice.
"No I mean I can't because I'm getting married in a few days." I said showing him my ring.
"To who Luke?" He said with a hint of sarcasm.
"Yes." I said and with that he looked up at me.
"But you can't get married I want you." he said with a louder voice.
"I can get married if I want no one can control me anymore." I said. with that he pushed me in the house and slammed the door behind him. he pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me. I tried to pus him away like I could when we were in middle school but he's stronger. he moved to my neck and trailed his hand up my shirt.
"Stop get off of me!!" I screamed.
I kept taking his wrist and pulled it out of my shirt. I then heard a car door close. I knew that was Luke he always comes home at this time to get food. I started to cry more. I kept trying to push him away and then I heard Luke's voice.
"Honey I'm home..." he said but stopped mid sentence to see me crying while looking at him.
"What the hell!? Get off of her!" Luke said ripping mark off of me. I fall to my knees and cover my mouth as I cry.
"Never touch her again!!" Luke shouted as he punched mark in the face. Luke finally stopped and shoved mark outside. After the door was shut he came over to me.
"Are you okay? Who was that?" He asked.
"That was mark and no I'm not okay. it reminds me of the 4 months." I said crying into his chest. I decided to keep this from my mother. I went about my day and finished it by, watching a movie with Luke on the couch.

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