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MARLENI'S | fordham | November 23, 2020

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MARLENI'S | fordham | November 23, 2020

I had woken up from the nap I took an hour ago, pacco sat beside me me. I just looked at the ceiling someone had opened the door, lee walked in smiling at me and I just looked at him " they didn't have your favorite rice so I just got you, mangu"he says sitting down on my

vanity chair " sounds good." i said as pacco tried cuddling with me " mom wanted it to be your first meal out of the hospital to be extra special, but" he said as I interrupted him

" it's crazy how that just happened like that, that's someone's whole life can fit inside a box." I said staring at the box with erik's clothing and everything in it " I never got to show him his new dog" I said as pacco started licking me

" I wish I went to his memorial" I say looking down as lee sighed " life moves on" he says and I nod " i told him I was gonna be the love of his life." i said looking at lee

" and you were." he says as i exhale deeply " let me get ya pills" he said getting up " they aren't working, i have a broken arm and I can't even do anything."i say staring down at my broken arm. he got up and i got up going behind him " you haven't been out ur room in days" lee says as i go

to the kitchen with him, it was just us home. i looked at the calendar and saw that thanksgiving was in 2 days " it's cold, can u turn the heater on?" i asked him as he got up

and moved the heater up. i looked at the little table entering the hallway, i seen a picture of me and erik. i stared at it and got flashbacks.. " you good?" he asked me as i snapped back and looked at him " we made him a little memorial beside lila's tree." he said getting

up opening the front door, i walked out and seen everyone outside just smoking. I awkwardly smiled at them and crossed the road seeing a picture of erik and candles, letters.

i stared at it " until I met you.. i never knew what i was missing." i said as lee rubbed my shoulder, a tear rolled down i looked up to the park that was facing me. i seen him staring at me and smiling.

I blinked and he was gone " by the way, music video tomorrow." he said patting my back and leaving inside dthangs car, I sighed as they pulled off I went to see enny and the girls.

I stepped up the stairs and reached enny's apartment. I knocked and hear music blasting, I guess they didn't hear me so I knocked with my feet

they opened the door and I see enny standing there " mar!" she says hugging me and I groan, she lets me in " sorry.. mar is here ya!" Enny yells and everyone hugs me, I look around and seen a black shirt hung up with erik's face on it.

i shook my head and they passed me the blunt, I slowly grabbed it and took a hit. i passed it back to loui, i stare at the ground and then look up " can we go to the park downtown." i said standing up

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